
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 7, 2008 7:41 PM. The previous post in this blog was Minority group speaks out. The next post in this blog is Danger. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why I'll never be elected to anything

Ol' boy Jeff Merkley is taking Steve Novick to task for things he's written on BlueOregon:

Can you imagine how six years of candid comments on this blog could be clipped and used against me? I shudder to think. [Via The O.]

Comments (12)

I read his comments months ago and they did indeed turn me off to him. I view a candidate's ability to work with others for a desired outcome as one of the more important attributes when evaluating them. Novick's comments give the distinct impression that he's a "negative nancy" and would be unwilling to work well in a group.

Is this the same "Kevin" (kamberg) who has appeared in three of Merkley's TV ads, including this one?

For me, given the fact that neither of the Democratic candidates can beat Smith, the crucial issue is, who can make more trouble for him? In my judgment, that's clearly Novick.

Not hardly. I wish I could get some TV time, that would be sweet. It's kind of funny that there can only be one Kevin who doesn't favor Novick. Surely there are more than two of us.

Well, the other Kevin is pretty darn prolific, and he likes to play the "I'm just an average voter" game when he's clearly not, so I was just checking.

Steve Novick has inspired me to review my own assessment of Barack Obama made back on March 17th of 2007 and edited down: "The Portland Freelancer's early pick for Obama to win the Democratic nomination and then the presidency, is based on the Elvis factor - what happens when the American People take to someone. The crowd of 10,000 that gathered in Oakland this weekend to see him, is significant. You don't get that many unless there's something very charismatic happening. When Obama addresses a crowd there is an air of greatness, like you're watching footage from another era in politics. People are ready for greatness again. We have to listen to these leaders every day - why not make it inspirational and fun? I think America is beginning to take to Obama and it's going to be very obvious very soon. This is a star. This is Elvis. The Portland Freelancer has spoken."

(Jack, your comment was, "Off-camera, he better have been keeping a much cleaner nose than Elvis.")

I support Steve Novick and I actually like the grouchiness. I do admit his opinions here don't seem that wise. Hillary a traitress? After all that she did for us in Bosnia? Luckily for Steve the candidates won't see this ad unless they come to Oregon. Oh, wait....

You know this ad is why I say it is a big mistake for anyone to pay any attention to what a candidate says and more importantly what his ads say during election season.

If you haven't been paying attention during the non-election years then wait to the fall election and vote your party. Otherwise you are as likley as not to fall in or out of love with a candidate because of election year bullsh*t.

Greg C

way to stick to the "issues," mister merkeley.

So, let me get this straight... Novick says what he thinks, and Merkley says what the slimebag consultants tell him to.

And this is supposed to make me want to vote for... Merkley?

Uh hunh. Sure.

Oh, and BTW: DSCC, Don't bother asking me for money again!

1.And the other reason Jack won't ever get elected to anything is that sometimes his thoughts are soooo compli-ca-ted they take more than 15 seconds to explain. How could Fox 12 cover him?
2.Novick, yes. Vickie Walker, too. If we are going to listen to politicians for months, the less predictable the better.

"So, let me get this straight... Novick says what he thinks, and Merkley says what the slimebag consultants tell him to.

And this is supposed to make me want to vote for... Merkley?"

Though I could never vote for someone as liberal as Novick, this was my thought exactly.

ANY reformer gets the negative nabob label in this state; the party machine has to go to extremes to create the false character. What is maddening is the extent to which members of the press will believe the lies. At least it seems the O is staring to see the game FINALLY; there was a piece about the distortion in the paper the other day

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