
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2008 12:11 PM. The previous post in this blog was Realists need not apply. The next post in this blog is Working for the man. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The ultimate outsiders

Obama was in Montana yesterday, and he got himself adopted by the Crow Tribe.

Comments (7)

Now, if he can get himself adopted by the Democrat "tribes" of Michigan and Florida, he can be the nominee.

Trouble is, those tribes don't feel they've been respected by would-be Chief Barry. Do "change" and "hope" include hoping to change the sacred precept of "count every vote"!

(with apologies to all those same D's in the current choir who chanted this mantra 7+ years ago)

...or did I miss something...

...like hypocrisy?

I'd be all for counting the votes of Michigan and Florida, if they reheld their elections so that each candidate could campaign there, and if Michigan included Obama's name on the ballot the second go around.

I think this is a really cool story, thanks for bringing it to my attention, Jack.

I'd be all for counting the votes of Michigan and Florida, if they reheld their elections so that each candidate could campaign there, and if Michigan included Obama's name on the ballot the second go around.

I wonder if Obama shares your zeal.

It does make for a good talking point, though; since the chance of that happening is slim (or fat, if you like).

cc's concern for the integrity of the Democrats' nominating process sure is touching.

cc's concern for the integrity of the Democrats' nominating process sure is touching.


If it HAD any integrity, I'd be concerned.

Count every vote!

Maybe she can be McCain's running mate.

Per the article: ...If elected president, Sen. Barack Obama will "shake up" the bureaucracy of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and appoint American Indians to be his White house advisers, he promised the Crow Tribe during a rally here Monday.

Hello, Cascade Locks casino.

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