
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 2008 5:29 PM. The previous post in this blog was Creeped out in the Pearl. The next post in this blog is Hearing no further objections.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The day after the election

Of course, you get this.

Comments (6)

In one of those forecast things the Water Bureau put together they just tagged 5% a year for water/sewer increases for the next 5 years, so no surprise.

Now that Sam thinks he has a mandate, expect more of the same (I am hoping Ms Fritz and Mr Fish can stop some of it since Randy/Big Pipe are bought and paid for already by Sam).

Bumping up fees is the best way to raise money since you can pick off small groups one at a time instead of hitting the general pop with tax. Water fees are the rare exception to this approach.

I'm sure the timing is just coincidence :)

This is small change compared to what Tax Adams has in mind for future bond issues and TIF starving of the general fund.

I heard a rumor Portlanders had already paid for the new recycling and Yard debri bins with past year garbage rate increases. Aren't the major water, sewer, and garbage costs related to labor? Why are these service workers getting wage increases faster than the average rise in other Portlander wages. I guess I need to write the commissioners to get the exact line item cost increases.

Are other cities with water, sewer and garbage services incurring the same level of cost increases?

Super. Now let's tack on a new street tax, and... oh, what the hell... let's build some more bridges and extend the streetcar all over the place!

"Aren't the major water, sewer, and garbage costs related to labor? Why are these service workers getting wage increases faster than the average rise in other Portlander wages."

I don't know. Care to enlighten us with some facts?

Greg C

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