
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 17, 2008 6:05 PM. The previous post in this blog was As the dentist likes to say.... The next post in this blog is I was at Was (Not Was). Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Stranger in a strange land

I can't remember the last time the Mrs. and I went out to hear music that didn't start until 9:00. Probably in the last millennium somewhere. Tonight we'll give it a try.

Of course, in certain circles, 9 means 10. I hope we get to hear at least some of it before we have to get back and bail out the sitter.

Comments (4)

Don Was is one of the greatest producers of our time. You can't go wrong with the best.

Once you make that time adjustment you can start spending some time in the Woodburn area as things don't start happening there till after 11:00 PM.

Oh yes, you will hear lots of music.

Springsteen went on stage before 9? Really?

Can you believe how expensive babysitters are? Blows me away.

Speaking of big moneymakers, I met a tri-met driver who works a bunch of over-time and earns around $90,000.

I should never have gone in to law.

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