Mixed signals
"Clean money" sure is a wondrous thing. The Portland City Council candidates whose campaigns are being financed by the taxpayers in the wasteful "voter-owed elections" system just keep a-pumpin' out the junk mail.
Here's part of a mailer we got yesterday from John Branam. Not much new in this one compared to what we've seen before (surprising, given how well his campaign manager is paid), but they did add what appears to be a picture of the candidate and his dad long ago:

And there's that logo again, up top, which sorta looks like this, don'tcha think? No wonder WW has taken to calling him "Obranam."
But a funnier piece comes from another "clean money" candidate, Amanda Fritz. Now, we don't dislike Amanda, although we're supporting one of her opponents in the primary. But we had to laugh when someone who does dislike her pointed out something funny about this flyer:

Inside, she gets quite specific about what she's complaining about:

Spending Portland taxpayers' money with out-of-area firms is a shame and a sin. O.k., point well taken.
But then when you flip to the back panel --

-- and look down in the lower left where all the little union insignia and soy ink and recycling symbols are, if you get out your really strong reading glasses, and squint really hard, you see where Amanda had her flyers printed up:

Oh, well. At least she kept our money in-state.
Comments (36)
This Eugene print shop in question prints their pieces in Eugene and then TRUCKS them up to Portland to be mailed locally so it appears they are produced in Portland.
The puzzling thing is that there are a lot of very good local print shops. If this piece mentions how much she wants to support local jobs why didn't she go local and then try and cover it up in a sneaky way? Not only does this not support local businesses with Portlander's own tax dollars but it wastes a lot of natural resources trucking this stuff over 100 miles.
Posted by jimmy | May 7, 2008 11:23 AM
I know one consideration, for Amanda and others, is making sure it's a union print shop.
Posted by Jack Bog | May 7, 2008 11:25 AM
Those of us who have closely watched Saint Amanda in action for years are not at all surprised about the differences between her "talk" and her "walk".
Charlie Lewis for City Council!
Posted by Nonny Mouse | May 7, 2008 11:29 AM
I know one consideration, for Amanda and others, is making sure it's a union print shop.
Always nice to know where a candidate's real priorities and loyalties lie.
So convenient to have Amanda provide to us, for free, evidence of her perfidy.
Oh, wait...
Posted by cc | May 7, 2008 12:40 PM
" Saint Amanda" how appropriate. She is another one who still has her original rubber eraser..she never ever made a mistake. It's like brand new.
Posted by KISS | May 7, 2008 12:55 PM
Look at Obranum's cityscape logo on the top again. Notice that the bridge depicts the old Oregon City bridge crossing the Willamette. Obranum is running for council in the wrong city.
Posted by lw | May 7, 2008 1:24 PM
It looks more like the Fremont Bridge as seen from the office of Homer Williams.
Posted by Isaac Laquedem | May 7, 2008 1:28 PM
I know the union shop consideration is a big one, but you'd think that being "sustainable" is also important. Seems like the carbon footprint of printing the pieces in Portland would be less than printing them in Eugene and having a big truck drive them up I-5 to Portland (and then make the return trip).
But, yeah, the union thing. I worked for campaigns in California back in the day, and it was sometimes quite hilarious to see the internal scrambling that had to happen to ensure that every aspect of a campaign was pro-union.
Posted by Dave J. | May 7, 2008 1:48 PM
Guess what? Portland has union print shops!
Hollywood Impress is located along Portland's latest "String of Pearls."
Posted by Garage Wine | May 7, 2008 1:56 PM
Amanda wants to see Portland jobs stay in Portland. So I assume we will have a bunch more CoP-only employees being paid living wages in the workforce?
Of course, Ms Fritz doesn't realize that the taxpayers will be on the hook for this largesse.
Posted by Steve | May 7, 2008 2:14 PM
Isaac, Branum is still running in the wrong city. The Fremont has secondary arches on each end of the main arch with ten supporting struts per each arch. The lattes at Homers must be spiked. Gee, "Homers" wouldn't be a bad name for a Pearl restaurant, has Homer considered it? By the way I've licensed the name, but I'll take an offer for it's use.
Posted by lw | May 7, 2008 2:18 PM
For all of her bluster I find it ironic that Amanda, out of all the council candidates, has spent the most VOE money out of the Portland metro area. We have this mailing and her expensive out of state poll. For someone who prides herself on her years of community involvement and a campaign platform of listening I find it strange that someone like this needs a poll to tell them what to tell Portland voters. Isn't that what the listening is for? WTF.....
Posted by Jimmy | May 7, 2008 2:43 PM
A few other Amanda tidbits...
I gleaned this stuff from ORESTAR,the State Business Registry and Google.
As far as I can tell, Fritz' campaign has spent the following:
$58K to
189 Liberty Street, NE
Salem, OR 97301
Hiram Sachs, Pres.
$40K to
2155 Hazel Road
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Tim Findlay, Pres.
$12K to
Goodwin Simon Victoria Research
3179 College Avenue
Berkeley CA 94705
Even her campaign manager's not from Portland - although there's a Portland apartment address for her in the ORESTAR database.
The peripatetic Ellen Klaastad, and her husband Rick, are longtime political operatives from Springfield - lovely town - but not PORTLAND. Read all about them here.
Just doing the jobs Portlanders won't do...
Posted by cc | May 7, 2008 2:50 PM
That's not Branam's father, it's NEIL GOLDSCHMIDT!!!!
Run little boy, run!
Posted by Gen. Ambrose Burnside | May 7, 2008 2:55 PM
I don't dislike Amanda either, but...
What's with the NO MAKE-UP photos, huh? Oh, so working class this Amanda Fritz who claims to be an RN, but actually married a successful private practice physician and hasn't worked as an RN in years. It would be more honest to lister her occupation as "doctor's wife" and list her motivation to run for City Council as, "kids are grown and lots of time on my hands to do this sort of thing."
I will be voting for Amanda, but it just astonishes me how quickly City Council candidates start acting like John McCain!
Posted by anonymous | May 7, 2008 5:02 PM
lw, good point about the side arches on the Fremont. It still doesn't look like the Oregon City bridge -- the arch isn't the right dimension.
Wait --- I have it -- it's the Sauvie Island Bridge over I-405!
Posted by Isaac Laquedem | May 7, 2008 5:20 PM
Witham and Dicky is the largest union print shop on the West Coast and its located in Portland.
Posted by bdunn | May 7, 2008 5:59 PM
As a friend of Ellen's, I can tell you that Ellen has lived in Portland for a few years now.
Posted by Jenni Simonis | May 7, 2008 6:47 PM
When Fritz ran for office a couple of years ago she frequently posted to this blog. Where is she now?? Amanda - let's hear your response.
Posted by Frank | May 7, 2008 6:56 PM
What can she say? The irony on this one is just too delicious.
Posted by Jack Bog | May 7, 2008 7:03 PM
It would be more honest to lister her occupation as "doctor's wife...
Shouldn't "lister" be capitalized?
Posted by cc | May 7, 2008 7:23 PM
O.k., it was fun, but let's stop goofing on Amanda. If Lewis doesn't make it to the runoff, we might wind up voting for her in November...
Posted by Jack Bog | May 7, 2008 7:31 PM
"Especially at a time when our local economy is struggling."
I personally enjoyed more her authorized use of an incomplete sentence.
Go Wilson High School!
Posted by Travis | May 7, 2008 9:17 PM
The problem with everyone's bashing is that Jack Bog has yet to show that "GCIU Eugene" means the card was printed in Eugene, OR, as opposed to the Union merely having an office or headquarters there.
The inquisitive among you will find that there are NO print shops in Eugene, OR licensed to use the GCIU label on their work. In contrast, there are 4 in Portland (including Witham and Dickey).
Posted by Jud | May 8, 2008 7:19 AM
We have established that she uses Sachs Communications in Salem for her p.r. work. For a Salem outfit to use a Portland print company would seem highly unlikely.
Our informants tell us that the print work was indeed done in Eugene. If that's wrong, I'm sure Amanda's team can correct us. Until then, we're sticking by it.
Posted by Jack Bog | May 8, 2008 9:39 AM
You are mistaken. The bug on Frtiz’s piece is from Shelton Turnbull Printers in Eugene, Oregon. Here is their web site: http://www.sheltonturnbull.com
This makes sense since Fritz’s consultant, Hiram Sachs from Salem, uses this shop almost exclusively for his clients.
This whole thing wouldn’t be so scandalous if Fritz wouldn’t have tried to do two things. First, her piece focuses on keeping taxpayer money here in Portland, yet she is spending $110,000 of her VOE money outside of Portland. That equates to over two-thirds of our taxpayer funds for her campaign leaving Portland to get her elected. Secondly, she apparently tried to hide that fact. Specifically, she didn’t list the actual “principal place of business” of TGF Productions of Lake Oswego in her Orestar reports – she used the owner’s home address! Kudos to “cc” for uncovering that fact through the state’s business registry.
Bojack and commenters have been very reserved in their comments – they are just pointing out that Fritz’s “walk” does not match her “talk”. Fritz is spending the vast majority of her public funds outside of Portland while at the same time saying she would do different while in office? Does not compute.
There are several outstanding print shops, consultants, and polling firms here in Portland. If she is going to make keeping jobs and money here in Portland a central part of her campaign, she should actually do it herself. Give me a break!
We know she is reading this. If this is incorrect she needs to set the record straight.
Posted by Judas Priest | May 8, 2008 9:51 AM
Well, then, there you go. Thanks.
I'll note in passing that this is a lot more information than led to the initial mudslinging. So I guess people going off half-cocked was a good thing.
In this interests of sharing, I'll throw out this:
List of Shops Licensed to Use the GCIU Label
Label License # Name Address City, Province State Zip/Postal Code Local #
806 Witham & Dickey Inc P O Box 4625 Portland OR 97208 747
1149 AM Printing & Mailing 456 Church St NE Salem OR 97301 767
926 Bridgetown Printing 424 NW 14th Ave Portland OR 97209 767
291 Graphic Arts Center 2000 NW Wilson St Portland OR 97209 767
293 Nu Way Printing and Envelope Co 306 SE 8th Avenue Portland OR 97214 767
298 Pride Printing Co Inc 406 West First Ave Camas OR 98067 767
Posted by jud | May 8, 2008 1:12 PM
As an aside:
"For a Salem outfit to use a Portland print company would seem highly unlikely."
You overestimate the quality of printing services in Salem and environs. Quite a few of my clients from Salem have their printing/boxing/packaging work done in Portland. Salem's not that far from Portland; in fact, it's nearer to Portland than to Eugene.
Posted by jud | May 8, 2008 1:15 PM
List of Shops Licensed to Use the GCIU Label
Salem's not that far from Portland; in fact, it's nearer to Portland than to Eugene.
Oh, gee. Thanks for the union PR and the geography lesson.
...and a special thanks for this listing:
298 Pride Printing Co Inc 406 West First Ave Camas OR 98067 767
I've never been to Camas, OR. Is it a nice town?
Posted by cc | May 8, 2008 1:46 PM
What a stupid set of comments. do we know for a fact that it is affordable to use these portland campaign outfits?
I am shocked, SHOCKED that a campaign with a limited budget may use higher quality and lower cost services not in Portland.
Posted by jj | May 8, 2008 3:18 PM
What a comment. Do we know for a fact that the "outfits" outside Portland are higher quality and lower cost?
And don't start with the "limited budget" - anyone with a limited budget, half a brain and no political obligation to unions would go to a non-union shop.
Stupid, indeed.
Posted by cc | May 8, 2008 3:28 PM
The big question here is not the cost. Its the fact that she outsourced this and claims in her piece that Portland tax dollars need to stay in Portland for local workers.
Posted by dino | May 8, 2008 4:18 PM
Anonymous up at 5:02 on May 7 is spreading his lies (I assume from the other sexist comments that it's he) that Amanda Fritz doesn't work as an R.N., which I have seen on BlueOregon earlier.
If this liar has raised any doubts on that point for you, look at OHSU's Psychiatric Care Unit webpage.
Posted by Chris Lowe | May 8, 2008 4:27 PM
Jack Bogdanski supported me in 2006, for which I am grateful. I know many of you did also, for which I am equally grateful.
One thing I tried to do while running, unless I'd had too many scotch whiskeys, was not respond to comments on blogs. You can't win and you can't change anybody's mind. At some point, you just quit reading.
I learned something about myself two years ago. I am too thin skinned for politics. It really hurts when people who don't know you spew their vitriol at you and make assumptions about you.
I say this with all sincerity... and I've had a couple drinks but not too many. All of you who criticize Amanda, or any other candidate, ought to experience running for office just one time. It's an experience I will always value, but one which I will never repeat.
When you contemplate why the best and brightest choose not to put themselves in the electoral arena, read the posts on this blog and the answer becomes obvious.
I truly believe that candidates are, for the most part, well intentioned people who sincerely want to help. I know I was. And I'm a guy who likes everybody he's ever met, which maybe makes me unsuitable for politics. But after experiencing the hate, from both supporters and detractors, that I experienced two years ago, I won't go through it again.
I already cast my vote for Amanda and I hope she wins. I think she will be a great concil person. And I admire her for being willing to go through it again.
Posted by Dave Lister | May 8, 2008 7:47 PM
Dave, great comments and a tip of the hat to you. I admire anyone who has the "testicular fortitude" to run for public office.
Posted by Moses Ross | May 9, 2008 8:21 AM
I already cast my vote for Amanda and I hope she wins. I think she will be a great concil person. And I admire her for being willing to go through it again.
I'd think, given your experience, you'd question her sanity (or her motivations) "...for being willing to go through it again."
She put a spell on you - or was it that case of scotch?
We'll all survive, either way.
Good luck!
Posted by cc | May 9, 2008 12:24 PM