
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 26, 2008 10:15 PM. The previous post in this blog was The Wiki people. The next post in this blog is How to speed up traffic on the I-5 Interstate Bridge. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Lies and the lying liars who tell them

My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. -- Hillary Clinton, May 23, 2008.

On April 7, [1992,] we also won in Kansas, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. On April 9, Paul Tsongas announced that he would not reenter the race. The fight for the nomination was effectively over. -- Bill Clinton, My Life (2005).

[Via Nat the Dem.]

Comments (8)

I have told people all along -- watch out for the Clintons, they are master campaigners. They took Bush1 from 89% to losing the bid within a year.

They are good.

Of course, when Bill was in office, there wasn't this incredible debt, Warren Buffet wasn't declaring America in a recession.

Too many of Bush's buddies are just richer than rich right now.

Obama will have to watch his back until after the convention, because you know Bill and Hillary will do what it takes to get there.

They are good.

I think the next sentence of that LA Times article is critical:

Bill Clinton's nomination was a foregone conclusion by March 1992, although he didn't officially clinch it until later.
Sen. Clinton is playing word games. The phrase "wrap up the nomination" could mean (a) win enough delegates to become the nominee or (b) reach a situation where almost everyone agrees you'll be the nominee. She's trying to use the truth of the statement with meaning (a) to get you to think the statement with meaning (b).

They are good.

At some things.

The New York Times does a little reality check.


Yet the Clinton campaign in 1992 used some of the same tactics that Mrs. Clinton and her supporters now decry, like declaring the nomination secure early and encouraging party leaders and the news media to climb on board.

....William Bradley, a California political strategist-turned-writer, said he had personally delivered a message to the Clinton campaign before the California primary that Mr. Brown “would run no TV ads in the California primary and would pull back from the sharp attacks,” in recognition of Mr. Clinton’s strength.

In fact, the race had for all intents and purposes ended weeks earlier, on April 7 in New York, when Mr. Brown made something of a last stand.

Russert declared it a "lock" on April 8.


Maybe Hillary wasn't around the campaign so much, or didn't read her husband's book.

It's just poor timing by Hillary! Her secret strategy was to win over Republicans in the general election with her unresponsive authoritarianism and her disdain for empirical verifiability, A totally winning strategy. Once Obama instead wins the nomination watch for him to move toward the center, adopting Cheney's "So?" and Scalia's "Get Over It" as his campaign slogans, and going on stuttering rants about how he bumped his head on a coffee table or fell off his golf cart daydreaming about Moby Dick. The Republican Party won't have a chance.

Prediction: Post-convention Obama will be an incoherent and belligerent rodeo clown. Which is to say, unbeatable.

Just on the off chance you missed Keith Olbermann's comment regarding this "why I'm still in the race" dark thoughts by Hillary, it's here.


When referring to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, isn't she saying that she needs to stay in the race just in case someone assassinates Obama?

This is the message I got. If that is what she intended, then her comment is outrageous and in horrible taste.

Maybe she just figures one of those Bosnian snipers might miss her and hit Obama.

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