
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 26, 2008 5:05 AM. The previous post in this blog was Righty bloggers busting Al Franken's chops. The next post in this blog is What can happen. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

It's Memorial Day

Remember the vets.

Comments (2)

I'm blessed to still have my parents on this side of forever, both members of that Greatest Generation. My Mom kept the home fires burning as a "Bonds Girl", singing at rallies. My Dad fought in the Battle of the Bulge through snow and frostbite. He was shot in Nennig Germany on January 20, 1945. Dad was later decorated for bravery in that battle. My brother is a filmmaker and is in post production on a movie about my Dad's experience - www.everymanswarthemovie.com. Dad visited the set during filming and asked where he could find my brother. The extras pointed down the hill to the set and said "he's down in Nennig." Dad said "I think I can find my way. I've been there before".

I'm going to visit Nennig when I am in Germany in July, grateful to see the place in peacetime, thanks to my Dad and countless others just like him.

Bless them.

A heartfelt thank you to all who have worn the uniform. The only veterans in our family are all dead, with the exception of my grandmother's second husband: he spent 1940-1943 aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise (CV-6), as an ordnanceman.

You wouldn't believe half of what they endured, especially during the early months of the war. They sailed past the U.S.S. Arizona on December 8th, 1941. He still chokes up when he talks about it.

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