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Friday, May 23, 2008

Hillary is really losing it now

Check out this story, which I hope is some sort of joke that I'm not getting.

Comments (19)

"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California," Clinton told the editorial board of a South Dakota newspaper. " I don't understand it," Clinton added, alluding to the calls for her to quit.

She is right. Obama could be assassinated.

If the really deranged and sick people who could pull the trigger didn't already know that, she has very effectively reminded them.

Silly me.... I always thought that she was gonna take the VP slot and hope Obama died in office after inauguration. Now she is greasing the skids for a June assassination, well before the Convention. How very cunning of her.

Wouldn't matter. He'd just rise again on the third day anyway.....

Hillary's just giving a friendly reminder to all the potential "Sirhan Sirhans" out there that time's a-wastin'.

But if anything has changed since 1968, it's that the current candidate has Secret Service protection while Bobby Kennedy has Rosie Grier.

That should have read "Bobby Kennedy HAD Rosie Grier".

My bad.

This comment is going to hurt her big time. You don't mess w/ the Kennedy name, the emotions of older Americans, and the potential safety of an African American politician (yes, narrow-minded psychos still do exist!) and get away with it. This clearly is her last hour in the race.
She is done.

"Wouldn't matter. He'd just rise again on the third day anyway"

Great projection in this Right wing point on Obama. After 7 years linking evangelical fundamentalist GWB's divinity so closely with Jesus in people's minds that elementary school kids confuse pictures of the two, it's Obama's followers who have the "messianic complex." Uh-huh.

Hillary needs herself a break from campaigning, and this remark will probably earn her one. Whee.

Assuming potential assassins are more motivated by sexism than racism, picking Hillary for Veep would be the best way for Barry to protect against assassination.

If not, then maybe Jesse Jackson?

Ok. It's a tasteless observation, even if it might be true. But then I'm not running against him. Hillary is.

I'd bet that somebody (retired cop?) does try and get close to him with a weapon: and when the Secret Service takes him down (hard), he'll say he forget that he was packing heat. I hope I'm wrong.

Oh no, Tensk is coming here to work in another Liars Larson connection for sure.

As someone who worked on RFK's campaign in a small way and has not been excited about a presidential race since, until now, I would like to see the super delegates put an end to this. BTW the Oregon primary is over. What are the Oregon undeclared supers waiting for?


Get it right. To Tensky, its "Liars Larseny". You can't be a lefty without resorting to childish name-calling.

Oh please

This was the elephant in the room for the last several months. Hillary has clung on knowing the unspeakable could happen. Someone (in this case Hillary)finally just said it.


You know what, "butch"? It's been fun having you.

I could never vote for her for anything after these comments.

Clinton made the same comment back in March, BTW, so the excuse that it was just a slip is absurd. It is a despicable comment.

Come on Oregon SD's, pledge for Obama ASAP. This mess stinks enough already. Put the fork in it and call it done.

I was a Clinton suporter. It's over. If nothing else this shows she is burned out from all the campaigning.

Greg C

Maybe Hillary takes her vitamins for the next 8 years, builds a reputation as Obama's go to woman in the Senate, and runs for Majority Leader.

She'll be back in 2015: tanned, rested, and ready. And age 67. If she's smart, she might even be remarried by then.

It was interesting we picked up "SICKO" on the 4 for $20 table at Blockbuster for the long weekends amusements. A good chunk of that movie featured Hillary's failed attempt to sell universal Health Care. The heyday that the Republicans had with the fallout and lobby money from the various drug and managed care special interests making the biggest republican NeoCon power comeback in history. I realize that Michael Moore stretches things a bit but the footage is worth reviewing before folks elect their choice for a "change candidate". Particularly the campaign contributions. I know I have been working through our church's Peace and Justice committee for at least 25 years trying to get the concept of universal heath care in this country. Seeing instead things sliding in the opposite direction toward profiteering instead of caring for people who are suffering as human beings.

"...some sort of joke that I'm not getting." Bull's-eye. I wish I'd said that.

(BTW, this year, first-time available RFK autopsy exhibits more confirm multiple ballistics and wounds, investigation cover-up and destruction of evidence -- especially LAPD, however following orders -- and Sirhan Sirhan being framed. For those too young to have been watching TV ... I entered our living room seconds afterwards and found my mother crying openly, hating politics more. In the context of 1968, RFK was going to beat Nixon, to succeed LBJ. So evil. Such evil. And continuing into darkerness since then. For those born and becoming aware later (than say, oh, 1960), it can get tiresome always hearing that the many assassinations and tragic 'unsolved mysteries' are all 'conspiracies' with CIA, FBI, etc. involvement
... yet tiresome or not, truth is it looks like all of them were, in fact, plots and conspiracies involving law enforcement supposed to stop such things, not cause them.
One of the doozies most people don't know, or belligerently refuse to believe, despite the named parties stipulating as facts: VP Bush's brother Neil (or Marvin), in Colorada, hosted dinner (and discussion) at his home for the father of what's-his-name (Hinckley?) who shot Reagan the next day; an inch of aim difference and VP coulda shoulda woulda been POTUS Bush ... always there are boxfuls of unmentioned or covered-up facts of intrigue in all the 'odd' 'unsolved' deaths, and always G.H.W.B. and/or some of his close 'assigns' are seen in the shadows, nearby, tangentially involved, some significant part of the intrigue.

The Big Stupid is why so many people resist, or avoid, looking at the undisputed facts and evidence, time after time after time, in each case concocting some new implausible 'excuse' for doubting or ignoring the obvious, whereas right in front of everyone's noses, the logic path of least resistance, having the minimum allegation for the maximum explanation of ALL OF IT, is that the same guy -- Pop-Up Bushbutcher, is the consistent culprit, repeat offender. That is soooo much easier to believe, than the tight-scrunched-eyes effort to block believing it. I just don't get it, like it's a joke or something.)

(For example, did you see the news of the CIA guy 'mysteriously' murdered in Houston earlier this month. No? Hunh, I wonder why not. First false details were provided to the media, then evidence in the investigation was covered up, all by Houston police, (however following orders). Turns out, the guy, Carnaby, was longtime Big-Time close confederate with James Baker and ... wait for it ... G.H.W.B., and lately may have been leaking info about a 'coming attack' on the scale of Nine-Eleven Op, either this Memorial Day or Fourth of July. Most of the pieces developed in the story, are here: WayneMadsenReport.COM/search?category=1&searchfrom=05
and previous during May'08. FYI. Subscription required.)

What does Hillary know, and since when does she know it? anyone? ... anyone? ... anyone? ...

It all began for me when I attended a lecture in college by Mark Lane who wrote the book, "Rush to Judgement". He was a fascinating character - the only public official arrested as a freedom rider - and the lawyer who volunteered to defend the dead Oswald before the Warren Commission. That didn't happen but Oswald's mother did end up hiring him. Indeed, the presence of GHW Bush in Dallas that day has long been a part of conspiracy theories. The pictures sure look like him and part of his story has proven false since.

I know it all started much earlier replacing leaders in other countries, but after JFK, anything was possible. That could be when America changed forever. Conspiracy buffs were struck by the elder Bush's words at Gerald Ford's funeral:
"After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good."

It sounded to many like someone still trying to clean up a crime scene.
I've been trying to follow things ever since. I do sometimes think you're fixated on the CIA. There are other outfits out there doing business, you know. The world is a complex gray place. And there are people farther out there in the community. One suggested mind control is now a factor in these mysterious events.

Your mention of the Houston hit on the CIA agent also ties with the "suicide" of the DC Madam - complete with instant cover stories of how she wanted to kill herself followed several days later by another wave of stories from people who knew her who said she wouldn't. Plus her own words that if she wound up dead, it wouldn't be a suicide. The tie-in Madsen makes between Houston and the DC Madam involves 9/11 and events that could unfold here in the next few months. There is much treachery afoot.

The thing that hit me about Hillary's comments yesterday is that nobody talks about the part where she's clearly pretending. Watch the video of her talking about Bill winning in June and she acts like she is only then recalling the details. It is phony and proves this wasn't some slip of the tongue. It's rehearsed to appear conversational when it is actually planned. Since then it's become known she's said it before. The way she pretends it's just dawning on her is frightening because it means there's evil intent here for sure.
As others have pointed out she could always leave and return if something happened to the winning candidate, so her argument that she was sticking around in case it happened is a non-starter. That leaves several sicker possibilities. Perhaps she is running the idea up the flagpole and hoping someone will salute. Or she is preparing the public for a plan. At any rate, I felt sick yesterday.
The line from the Daily News nailed it: "We have seen an X-ray of a very dark soul." What would a soul X-ray of Bush Senior reveal? I shudder to think.

Vince Foster.

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