"He was wike a twee"
My first reaction to this was simply, ewwwwwww. But now I'm thinking it somehow must be an attack on Obama. More guilt by association.
My first reaction to this was simply, ewwwwwww. But now I'm thinking it somehow must be an attack on Obama. More guilt by association.
Comments (8)
At this point, there is no need any more for the press to attack Obama. All they need to do is sit back and watch the man whose sermon he named his book after continue to run his mouth...and report it. Middle-of-the-road white America will vote against him in droves, and large numbers of blacks will view him as a sellout as he attempts to distance himself from his close friend and mentor of several decades. Lose-lose.
Posted by Cabbie | May 2, 2008 1:06 AM
As the convention nears, Obama is looking more like a Roman candle on the forth of July. Up, up and out.
Posted by David E Gilmore | May 2, 2008 6:24 AM
I love that sentence: "There's no need any more for the press to attack Obama."
Another thing that could happen is that Americans decide they like Barack Obama and he becomes the nominee.
Then in the head to head race Americans get a chance to ponder John McCain's evolving position on Iraq and decide they'd rather have someone who's against the war.
Have you seen McCain's positions over the years? If he follows President Bush, we'd be going from someone who couldn't find Iraq on a map, to someone who's all over the map.
Then Obama wins and we begin the healing from the Bush/Cheney years. Or not.
Posted by Bill McDonald | May 2, 2008 7:16 AM
Wright has given real Americans the proxy for racist opposition that they so sorely needed. And with that, we will avoid electing a man who would have refused the oil companies the economic help they so badly need, and deserve, in the form of a gas gallonage tax holiday.
Posted by Allan L. | May 2, 2008 7:36 AM
As much as Spike Lee is filled with a venomous hatred of people of my ethnicity, I have to agree with the midget. There is a very high probability that Wright is being paid for his efforts.
Now, as far as McCain and Dubya go, I loathe both of them and their policies...I'll be sitting this fall's dog and pony show out.
Posted by Cabbie | May 2, 2008 7:49 AM
Speaking of guyilt by association, Today's WSJ had an article about Obama's relationship with Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers.
Any of you from the Bob Dylan early years recognize those names without Wiki?
Posted by Travis | May 2, 2008 10:52 AM
"Speaking of guilt by association, Today's WSJ had an article about Obama's relationship with Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers."
I shook Richard Nixon's hand once. Does that make me evil? Good I've always wanted to be know for something.
Greg C
Posted by Greg C | May 2, 2008 11:32 AM
I shook Richard Nixon's hand once. Does that make me evil?
Do you you know him on a first-name basis? Did you run one of his campaigns?
If so, then you are "quasi-evil"...to quote Dr. Evil.
My point is that people cry about politicians and who they know...who gave them money, etc. But all the sudden we cant question the Golden Boy? C'mon...I want to vote for Obama too. But I would like to know who is in his pocket.
Posted by Jon | May 2, 2008 12:27 PM