
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 3, 2008 1:31 AM. The previous post in this blog was A different approach. The next post in this blog is Eleventh-hour election porn. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Guess who's for "change"

Old Gordon Smith has gone on the offensive against the two frontrunners in the Democratic Party primary for his seat. He's running a new TV ad painting himself as a candidate of "change." According to the ad, Merkley and Novick are "more of the same." It criticizes Merkley for taking campaign contributions during the legislative session, and Novick for being in love with taxes.

I hope Novick gets the nomination, because if he does, old Gordo isn't going to be able to get away with this low a level of noise. Between the Hook and John Frohnmayer, Smith and his millions are going to have to work a lot harder to keep his job.

Comments (9)

I am so comforted by "Gordo's Ad.

Okay then, if he's for change, he won't mind if we toss his sorry ass out.

I know, I saw that add on TV last night and choked on my glass of wine. I have one of Hook's signs in my front yard, hopefully he will get the nomination and give us some fireworks in this race or at least as you said make it interesting.

"Novick for being in love with taxes", I hope so, maybe this Ferrari, rich kid from Pendleton might have to pay taxes his Bush Buddy exempted him from.
What a line for Novick shooting an arrow up Gordon's ass and calling himself Robin Hood...most appropriate.

Let's see, he's an incumbent with $6 million to spend on his campaign, and he went negative with his second commercial.

Change? Change?

I'd be surprised if he could change his own ... ... ... (OK, I got nothin').

Windshield wiper blades?

I'm not sure I'd know how to change the windshield wiper blades on Gordon's Ferrari either.

I think he meant the wiper blades on Gordon himself.

Yeah, riiiiight.

He's for change...lots of it. Got change for a $10,000 bill? He does, and he wants more.

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