
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 30, 2008 7:20 AM. The previous post in this blog was I'm sure the brie was excellent. The next post in this blog is Small shoes to fill. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, May 30, 2008

Free, censored wi-fi

Brought to you by the Bush FCC.

Comments (4)

It's easy to bash Bush but the state of Oregon has plans to track when and where you drive. The City of Portland gets your particulars when you want to buy some rustoleum. "Big Brother" is on both sides of the isle. I think the Demos in Oregon are even more amenable to the "Brown shirt" order of society. It begins with anyone stepping out of line loses their job, such as OSU meterologist George Taylor.

"It begins with anyone stepping out of line loses their job, such as OSU meterologist George Taylor."

Did George get fired? Or did he just lose the grandious title OSU gave him.

Greg C

I love the idea that he lost a job that he never had, but I'm sure George will go on as the former (fictitious) State Climatologist.

Perhaps to atone for the sin of helping him lie about his job, OSU could set up a "George Taylor Carpetbagger" scholarship fund.

The plan would address criticism from some consumer advocates, who say the government has not done enough to get broadband service into more households.

Would someone Tell me why providing broadband to consumers is the governments job?

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