
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 6, 2008 9:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was Some bad press for Mrs. Wyden. The next post in this blog is Lost wallet guy found. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Do you recognize our country any more?

I don't. Every day it looks more and more like something the Soviets might have dreamed up.

Comments (13)

Jack, My niece works in the building where the raid took place, and immediately went down to check it out. I think she said it was the 3rd floor.
For years my family used to joke that the news followed us around, especially back in the dramatic Middle East days.
Interesting - and a little scary - to see it continuing with the next generation.

I dont suspect its going to get any better, no matter who is in office.

I dont suspect its going to get any better

I disagree. Obama or Hillary will clean up our act considerably.

Could you imagine if Bill had raided Ken Starr's office? Yet all we're going to hear here is crickets.

Here's hoping Al Franken wins in Minnesota and gets his quickie impeachment. It may be the only way.

"I disagree. Obama or Hillary will clean up our act considerably."

And I respectfully disagree with that statement. Both democrat candidates shout policies that are more and more, closer and closer to socialist/communist countries. Those policies (IMHO) will take us closer to the soviets not farther away.

"I disagree. Obama or Hillary will clean up our act considerably."

Yeah....'cause there was no politicization of Government agencies the last time HRC was in the WH (eyes rolling).

"Here's hoping Al Franken wins in Minnesota…"

What, so he can create some loophole in which he can legally neglect to pay his taxes?


Somehow you manage to attract every right wingnut in Portland to your Blog:-)

Somehow you manage to attract every right wingnut in Portland to your Blog:-)

Is there something wrong with that, Erik? I thought you leftists were all about diversity.

You know if I read one more time the phrase "socialist/communist" from a guy who obviously doesn't know what either term means I am going to scream.

Greg C

Nothing wrong with it, just noting that Jack is one of the few local libs who attracts you guys.

But I 2nd Greg C, if you want to toss around nonesense about socialism and communism learn what they actually mean.

Hmm...somehow, I must've missed the part in this thread where Chris McMullen tosses around nonesense about socialism and communism.

(I assume you meant "nonsense").

No, see, where you consign events to some intangible 'philosophic movement,' you avert your eyes, Jack, from the work we all must labor at: naming names and kicking butt. Since things happen when persons make them happen, and our job is to name and indict and convict and condemn. Not gloss over it as some 'government' gone wild, impenetrably arcane and arbitrary; we can't use the Bill Dana copout -- 's not my job -- since that's been used.

Special Counsel shut down probe of Siegelman case last year, By BEN EVANS, The Associated Press, 5/7/2008.

His attorneys requested earlier this year that the Justice Department appoint a special prosecutor to investigate whether White House appointees in Washington, including former Bush adviser Karl Rove, influenced the case. Rove also has denied ....

That means, and proves, Rove did it.

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