
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 19, 2008 3:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was City hearings officer: Don't rezone Colwood Golf Course. The next post in this blog is Dear Fireman Randy. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

A video tribute to this spring's election porn

Well, it's getting on time to vote, and we suspect the steady stream of political junk mail we've been receiving of late will stop now. The campaigns have really outdone themselves with this year's election porn, though -- we even got a couple more pieces over the weekend. We have been so deeply moved by it all as to put together this not work safe tribute:

Comments (8)


you have waaaay too much time on your hands, but very impressive nonetheless.

just a point of clarification, through the editing of this video, it might appear that some of chris' election porn was printed in eugene. in fact, all of chris' public money, except for a few hundred dollars, was spent right here in portland.

as a rule, chris is opposed to the outsourcing of portland jobs, even for city council races

one more thing, jack, would you mind if we used this song for the theme of our campaign in the runoff?

The song is used by permission of the copyright owner, UMG.

LOL.... My hat tip to the master.

And thanks for all the Nick Fish love in the clip.


Maybe I'm confused, but I think I'd like to vote for the woman in the white shades.

Ha Ha Ha! Well done Jack! I love it!

Thanks for the suggestion.

Apologies to all those porn peddlers I left out. I went with what was sent me. I'm sure there were many other egregious offenders in the area.

I absolutely loved it.
Made my day!
Now thats the way to get out the vote!

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