
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 16, 2008 12:14 AM. The previous post in this blog was Don't worry, be happy. The next post in this blog is Read it and weep, cont'd. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The O on the current "downturn": It's "mild"

Often you have to wonder what planet these folks live on.

Comments (6)

The same planet as my financial adviser. He pointed out that the recent increases in day-to-day costs are drastically smaller than the increase in discretionary income people have accumulated over the last few years.
Given the increases in gas, natural gas, and electricity, my spending on these non-discretionary items will increase by approximately $4.18 this month. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out how that compares to the amount I spent on lunch yesterday.

Things have really gone to hell since the D's took over congress.

You know, when Harry met Nancy.

You know Jud's right. Sure the cost of gas has gone up but that's the price of driving my $125,000 special edition Humvee. :-)

Greg C

But Jack, the plan is working exactly as it is supposed to.

In order to cut our carbon emissions people have to quit driving so much. So rather than implement the 'progressive' alternative of having roving squads of 'carbon police' dragging people out of their cars and forcing them onto buses, they have opted for the more compassionate method of increasing the price of fuel to a point where people will have to make a choice between food or rent.

If they made enough money to afford both, they wouldn't conserve.

These methods have been brought to us, not by the evil oil companies, but by the lobbyists from the Sierra Club and Archer Midland Daniels.

These methods have been brought to us, not by the evil oil companies, but by the lobbyists from the Sierra Club and Archer Midland Daniels.

Of course the fact the dollar is in the tank doesn't hurt either.

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