
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 1, 2008 3:34 PM. The previous post in this blog was Perfect day for a joke. The next post in this blog is Whole Foods + Gresham = History. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Portland bond sale still behind a curtain

While the City of Portland hustles to sell a ton of sewer bonds on Thursday, it's also still listing a smaller sale of urban renewal bonds as going on the market a week from Thursday. The urban renewal bonds are backed by property taxes, and so the offering document for that debt promises to be more interesting than the one that hawks the sewer bonds. With nine days to go, though, still no sign of the urban renewal bond official statement on the city's website. Hmmmm.....

Comments (6)

Jack - Thanks for keeping track of the City's credit card balances. There are probably only a handful of people between City Hall & the Portland Building who even keep track of this stuff. Portland's growing debt problem deserves wider attention than it has gotten. I hope it gets some press during the campaign. Keep fighting for truth, justice and the American way.

I'm just a mild-mannered blogger.

No, that's the document for the sewer bonds. What's not posted yet is the preliminary official statement for the $50 million in new urban renewal bonds.

"What's not posted yet is the preliminary official statement for the $50 million in new urban renewal bonds."

Homer is just about done writing it.

Sorry for the false link, Jack. Now I understand what you're looking for and, indeed, the document isn't there yet.

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