
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 14, 2008 8:59 PM. The previous post in this blog was Metro may take over Portland bridges. The next post in this blog is Catching the wave. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Jail Blazer vindication

We just noticed that the case against ex-Blazer (and current San Antonio Spur) Damon Stoudamire for trying to carry marijuana in his pants, wrapped in aluminum foil, through an airport metal detector in 2003 has been dropped. Apparently his successful drug rehab course and some clean urine tests got Mighty Mouse off the hook.

But his lawyers have been going at it for nearly five years, and the legal fees have no doubt been horrendous. That was one spendy stash of weed.

And one more reason to root against the Spurs. [Via You Been Blinded.]

Comments (8)

Yeah, but the Spurs also have Ime Udoka and he's playing more than Stoudamire. So I am rooting for them, though not as much as for Phoenix.

The Spurs didn't deserve the outcome they got last year. This year will be different. In the words of Damon's pot-smoking buddy 'Sheed, "Ball don't lie."

I also predict both teams will play hard.

It's strange... I keep thinking I heard this news months ago, and I can't believe the whole matter has dragged on FIVE YEARS. For possession.

Contrast that with Carmelo Anthony's DUI charge last night. He's an all-star with endorsements on a playoff team, and yet he's busted for drunk driving. Maybe I'm being too rational here, but getting behind the wheel and putting lives at risk is a thousand times more worthy of outrage.

I was rarely in awe of Damon's game during his stint here, but by all accounts, he's generally a good guy. He's also a hometown guy who's done a decent amount of charity work in town.

Being a Blazer rival, it's hard to root for the Spurs, but I'm certainly not going to root against him because he was stupid enough to carry weed through the airport. Keep things in perspective.

Then there was the night on I-5 in the Hummer, the huge stash at his house...

Charges dropped? Only one way to celebrate: By rolling a gigantic spliff.



And what about Whitsett? How many reasons do you need to do periodic, random drug tests? Paul Allen spent $12 million a year on a pot head? Don't you think that affected his performance out there? If you're going to smoke dope, do it early in the off-season, but having THC running through your brain cells when you're supposed to be chasing a championship is disrespectful to your home town and fans. How many missed shots and turnovers came from Damon's pot impaired performance we will never know.

the Spurs are a great team, and generally a model of grownup behavior on and off the court. Stoudamire is a benchwarmer now, for (likely) one season only.

but, at least we won't have one other ex-Blazer to kick around anymore...

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