
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 21, 2008 6:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was City issues order -- Branam already violating it. The next post in this blog is Dude. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

It's worth it for the time that I had

We had a busy weekend in these parts, as you'll see if you scroll down our main page. We even did a stint as the "substitute token liberal" on the Kremer & Abrams talk radio show on Sunday.

But in case you missed it, we posted here on Saturday about an outrageous copyright claim being made against an internet site by the State of Oregon. We think the story's particularly worth a read.

Comments (7)


heard you on the radio. liked what i heard. i hope this doesn't count against you with your fan base!

Can you be a "token" liberal on a show with one conservative and one liberal?

It was fun, and I look forward to this Sunday.

Regarding radio show yesterday:

I like you more so than Abrams (not sure of spelling) because you seem more streetwise.

What I want to know is how come you behaved yourself on Rob's show, but never do when I have you on Jayne's show?

One word: pay.

Can you be a "token" liberal on a show with one conservative and one liberal?

I meant "token" as compared to the station's overall talent lineup!


Semantics, shemantics, bro', Word Up:

'Token' connotes 'phony,' an 'abstraction of.'

Whereas, your actual intellect makes you True Liberal, not a 'token' of thinking.

Rightwinger fascists 'think' with their fear-saturated hippocampus-slash-pineal body ... it's sort of like 'thinking' except without cognitive knowledge; like LIARStalks 'News' except without facts.

It used to be that news-media was an attainment, an achievement in an intercessor position where communications and journalism persons aspired to, for reaching to 'get' information from circling heights of elites, and bringing back news reports to regular folks on the ground, of 'what's up.' However, all that is now changed, in cable TVdays. Massmind news-media today is a dispensation, a chunky-scum layer dropped down from powercrazies 'on a high,' blanketing We, the People with a cover-up barrier of crap from 'elites' and blocking in facts-blackouts what's going on. (Don't 'take over' massmedia -- TAKE DOWN the media to black it out: BOYCOTT cable TV.)

Great Timing on your part, Jack, coinciding with Week of Truth, April 16 -22, bringing public exposure of the Nine-Eleven Op fictional mythmaking into the massmind media's audience, pegged on interviews with and about Steve Alten, author of the blockbuster book, The Shell Game, as it climbs toward the top of the NYTimes Bestseller list where all authors get minutes of shining fame.

When the local-yokel, rightwingy, broadcasting gestapo looks to 'get' Alten as guest, and to take his dare for falsetalking LIARS to have the guts to interview him -- bestselling author, no 'token' -- one way to contact him is going through the Truth-telling sources presenting plenty of the News (for gray matter) at OpEdNews (.COM)

Wow, it is waaaaay creepy to see that these goons skulk around here, Jack, reading your good liberal stuff ... and they never speak up, show their hand, and point out where some facts are wrong. Although they do SHOUT that anyone who doesn't BELIEVE IN fairy tales such as Santa Claus and Nine-Eleven Op 'RELIGIO- FANATICS' is an unpatriotic, anti-Nationalistic anti-MasterRace'ist -- who is supplying, "just the fakes, ma'am," in LIARS 'no facts' Looneytoonland.

I didn't hear you on-air, Jack, where 'token' is spoken, but you likely put out the call to more of the obedient flying monkeys to come here and read this. Read it and leap ... to the links, in the mind, and be-yoonnnnnndd.

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