
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 2, 2008 9:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was In defense of dead trees. The next post in this blog is Preoccupied. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bruce's lesbians: We were legit

In our detailed coverage of last Friday's Bruce Springsteen concert at the Rose Garden, we told the story of a group of women in the mosh pit wearing "Lesbians [Heart] Bruce" t-shirts, who attracted the attention of the evening's star. In the course of that discussion, we expressed some skepticism about whether the group had in fact qualified to stand in the pit according to the rules of the well organized Bruce lottery system.

A member of that bunch sent us a nice e-mail and photo the other day, explaining:

Just want to clarify one thing… we did all draw winning numbers! Two of us were there 1:00ish and in the very front of the line when they passed out numbers. The rest of the gang arrived a short while later in a group. We thought about splitting up in smaller groups and spreading out. But in the end we decided to stick together. Best decision of my life.

It was one of those rare times where everything went our way. Unbelievable night.

It was indeed.

UPDATE, 11/29/12: Springsteen returned a few years later, and so did the lesbians. More here.

Comments (5)

Bruce Springsteen mosh pit?


She looks cute. If only I could be a lesbian...

Maybe we can organize a "Hetero Guys [Heart] Melissa Etheridge" contingent.

Best decision of my life.

Thats actually kinda sad...

With the exception of the she-male from Bend, I think many hetero guys have a lot in common with lesbians.

We like the same things: Bruce, short hair, tight t-shirts on buxom hotties, Angelina Jolie, etc.

I think I could hang out with those girls for a while.

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