
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 28, 2008 7:27 PM. The previous post in this blog was It's coming on. The next post in this blog is You say it's not easy for you. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Ask your doctor about Lady Chatterley

I'm reading with interest about the latest flap over the Oregon law prohibiting sales of sexually explicit material to children under age 18. It's ironic that just a few minutes previously, I had been trying to watch a ballgame on television with my seven-year-old daughter when on came one of those wonderful commercials that tell you what to do if your erection lasts longer than four hours. That titillated my desire to put my foot through the screen.

Comments (7)

I agree with you Jack! I hate all the drug advertising on TV. It's like any problem you have take a pill. Don't try to adjust your behavior or get more excercise etc. Grr.

The law went into effect Jan. 1 and makes it a crime to provide sexually explicit material to a child through sales or viewing, if the material was meant to “satisfy a sexual desire.

The buyer's or seller's desire?

I've seen that ad. It shouldn't be on prime-time tv. At the same time, I have to admit that the four-hour timeline seems a bit extreme. It's just lame. I've never used the product, so I have no hound in this race. But four hours just seems so limiting.

"I had been trying to watch a ballgame on television with my seven-year-old daughter when on came one of those wonderful commercials that tell you what to do if your erection lasts longer than four hours."

They need to rethink where they deliver their message.

If my erections lasted longer than four hours, watching TV would be the last thing I was doing.

I'd be more worried if my daughter asked why sports figures are paid so much.

I like trying to watch the Simpsons with my young son at 7:30, and seeing commercial after commercial for Ultimate Fighters kneeing each other in the face.

You can't say a bad word or show sex, but
you can show Alien burst out of someone's chest any Saturday afternoon on TNT.

I've thought for a long time that one of the fundamental steps we could take to lower the cost of health care in this country would to be ban the advertising of prescription drugs. According to my doctor, most of these new fangled remedies they are pimping are no better than tried or true oldies that are now sold in their generic form. As it is, squadrons of people follow Madison Avenue's advice to "ask your doctor about... ".

The other thing that cracks me up is when they list the possible side effects. Something for acid reflux may cause nausea, diahrrea and vomiting. Hmm... I think I'll stick with the heartburn.

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