
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 24, 2008 5:50 PM. The previous post in this blog was Every move you make. The next post in this blog is House of cards contains many jokers. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Woman to woman

Comments (24)

That is one sexy little Obama gal.

Hillary is done


Does she know Eliot Spitzer?

Seriously, this sort of makes me want to puke. But I guess both campaigns are entitled to shoot themselves in the foot with cringe-inducing You-tube ads.

I doubt that the Obama Girl is an officially sanctioned production of the Obama campaign. Plus, she's better than those Swift Boat guys.

By that logic Doris, that these are campaign youtube ads, well, how does this help McCain?


oh, by the way, this video DID make me vomit a little in my mouth.

I'm sorry, I didn't get the message.

Guess I'll have to watch it again.

I don't know what's more sad, that Obama now has young, Hispanic girls fighting his battles for him, or that this girl thinks anyone will remember who she is after the campaign.

"Superpowers to change the world"! So great. And Obama Girl is right: Hillary needs to get with the protram.

Program. Hillary needs to get with the program. Unless she wants to be Mayor of Portland.

I don't know what's more sad, that Obama now has young, Hispanic girls fighting his battles for him, or that this girl thinks anyone will remember who she is after the campaign.

Snethen and I will remember.


Pretty slick for a college age girl, but my fear is that it is stuff like this that moves the youth to vote for him. They don't know and they don't care what his stand on issues are. They don't know how he going to pay for most of his ideas, but he has this cute little hottie singing a little ditty (with a good beat) so we'll vote for him. In a way it's sad, on the plus side, she is VERY easy on the eyes.

If I were her mother, I'd be burying my head under a pillow in embarassment for her.

Too much can be done to alter that post, so I guess I won't. Obama girl is getting her second 15 minutes ... good for her ... and us.

I was going to watch the video, but can't because of the sniper fire.

I just hope you have Sinebad and Sheryl Crow there to protect you.

"Can't take my eyes off those tallies"

Sure, she'll entice college age folk to vote for Obama, but its not the end of democracy. I find it hilarious that people still believe that voters choose based on the politician's detailed policy statements; research on voters since the 60s have nailed down that people vote for people they emotionally "like," who are attractive, and who have qualities the voter either likes, seeks, or sees in themselves.

Please aren't voting for McCain because he opposes liability for gun manufacturers, they support him because he's "like them", "one of the guys", "a hero" and "tough."

One of the watershed political science studies (I believe is was Converse, 1964?) said that only about 2% of voters actually made an informed policy design; the rest of voters are highly influenced by the effects of who their leaders (church, friends, peers) support, emotional appeal, and rhetoric.

Jack, I'm sure this isn't part of the "officially sanctioned" campaign, but I don't think that matters anymore. Once these things are out in the Youtube-o-sphere, regardless of who's responsible for them, they become part of the campaign in a de facto way.

And, MarkDaMan, I LOVE Raining McCain! (in a love-to-hate kind of way). It's so bad! It's like the Gong Show, and no one seems entirely sure as to which camp put it up there (that there's even a question whether the McCainnites could have done this says a ton).

So, Kevin, if that were your daughter, would you be bursting with pride for her and her accomplishments (other than her ability to display her breasts to the world)? If yes, then I sincerely hope you aren't a father of girls.

You can't argue with "D" logic.

'College age folk' are supporting Obama because we've grown up in a age when most of us have no memories of a politician running for president who was in the least bit inspiring or who didn't turn out to be a corrupt buffoon. Don't worry..in general our generation isn't any less intelligent than the past ones that gave us 12 years of the Bushes.

When did all you baby-boomers lose your sense of humor? Lighten up...the video's a silly joke.

sa - you obviously didn't watch/listen to the video as closely as I did - at least twice now. If you did, you would notice that it's apparent that she also sings.

I take grave offense to the suggestion that she is only there because of her breasts. Her hair is also really shiny.

Hillary, stop the: 'a tax.' Find other ways and moans of revvin' you.

Does it make me a bad person if I'm attracted to her.*


* And by "her," I mean Obama Girl.

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