
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 18, 2008 1:50 PM. The previous post in this blog was Down to the bone. The next post in this blog is Told you so. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To wet the whistle

Yesterday, in honor of Saint Patrick, I drank the last of the Bushmills in the whiskey cabinet. Guess it's time to restock. But for spring, maybe I'll go with something else.

Comments (8)

Poles are flocking to the Celtic Tiger in the tens of thousands as that economy continues to flourish. It's ironic that both ethnic groups shared the abuse in the US as immigrants.

Now, together, they are making the Republic an economic powerhouse. Just watch, Poland's time will come soon.

Does Bushmills go with Wyborowa?

Oh, yeah!

The "Celtic Tiger" is Ireland?

Izzat right? Did they finally get the economic stimuli they needed?

And, Jack....It's coming on t'killya time. Or, alternately, gin & toxic time. In the latter category, I recommend the Bombay Sapphire.

John Powers is very good and cheaper than Bushmills or Jamison.

But...never, never, never buy Murphy's Irish whiskey. That stuff is dreck.

Bushmills is still the best in Irish.

Booze with rattlesnakes? That's almost as weird as a photo of "seahorse whiskey" I saw on a random blog a few weeks ago.

I once bid unsuccessfully on a bottle of snake liquor at a charity auction. Had I won it, I would have opened it and chugged some right there.

Bushmills just released a limited but widespread "Bushmills 400" http://www.irishwhiskeynotes.com/2008/01/bushmills-and-400-years-of-ulster.html

Bushmills is Protestant, but I'm all about unification and I figure drinking Bushmills is the best way to show it. More importantly, I just like it better than Jameson, which is too sweet unless chilled.

Agreed, Kevin.

I had that discussion years back with a Jackine who'd moved to PDX. She told me that the Irish know a good whiskey from a bad whiskey and that Bushmills is a good whiskey that transcends mere religious differences.

Psssst...I think Powers is better than Jameson.

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