
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 7, 2008 7:01 AM. The previous post in this blog was Part of the slow fade. The next post in this blog is Have a great weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Taking the time for a number of things

It looks as though the City of Portland has given City Council candidate Charles Lewis the green light to use some of his "clean money" -- public funds granted to him for his campaign -- to fix potholes in a non-maintained road in an outer eastside neighborhood.

The pothole fix had previously been delayed by two obstacles. First, the city's "clean money" check didn't come in time for Lewis's first load of asphalt to be delivered. Second, he's had to wait for a ruling from the city, because his every move is being closely scrutinized by at least one of his opponents, who seems to spend an inordinate amount of time with the campaign rule book.

Anyway, the holes get fixed tomorrow morning. Sure, it's a showboat move, but that's how you get elected to local office, and it's a great statement in any event. Bully for Lewis.

Comments (7)

Hey, he filled a pothole, which is more than Sam Adams has done with the $33M surplus last year and $30M surplus this year - $0 of which is going to street repair as far as I know.

Yes, Randy et alia on the City Council are just as responsible for this sham.

The pothole I nominate for filling will be found on NE 148th at Broadway.

I ran over a pothole this week that gave me a flat tire and a busted oil pan. He's got my vote.

Why doesn't he run for mayor? He has my vote.

Hey why doesn't Sammy boy push through his anti illegal worker prop before he is (elected) for mayor. That would prove his willingness to take a bite of the poison apple. Come on Sammy I double dog dare ya!

It's a political stunt, and a good one. The only people complaining are the ones who are mad they didn't think of it first.

Would the auditor allow either Mr. Lewis or Mr. Dozono (or the others) to use publicly funded dollars to pay private council to offer advice, just as if an elected official sought outside counsel for advice, on the legality of the city expenditure of money for any candidate for public office . . . and the legality of acceptance of the same by any candidate?

Would any of the candidates be willing to spring for the cost of obtaining such advice, from their own non-campaign funds?

If any candidate that receives such public cash does not see even a hint of a problem (perhaps even just ORS 260.432) that might, just might, be unlawful in their own run for office . . . what would that say as to their judgment once in office, if elected?

Post a PDF link to any such outside counsel advice here, would you please? (More than one is OK.)

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