
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2008 8:27 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is And now, a run on your bank. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Still more "clean money" mess

The colossal joke that is the City of Portland's public finance "system" for local politicians' campaigns becomes more comical by the day. Here's the latest installment: City Council candidate John Branam reportedly paid out five figures to his campaign manager -- former Portland Mercury dude and ex-mayoral candidate Phil Busse(!) -- as soon as Branam's check from the city cleared. The city's "rules," such as they are, forbid using taxpayer money for back pay or for pay in excess of the market value of a staffer's services. The kids at the Merc are all over it, here and here; the Double Dub has coverage here.

Comments (4)

ALL campaign financing is only as clean as the candidate. To think that VOE changes anything is naive. So much for another misguided experiment in social engineering.

All campaign financing is only as clean as the candidate.

Or the internal control process established by the City Auditor who helped craft VOE.

"Lock up your daughters, hold on to your wallets, the 'Me For VOE Fraud' campaign is back with the Busse/Branam show."

So $8,300 a month is less than Busse earned as an attorney? Could someone point out to me when he actually worked as an attorney and where? I guess he passed the BAR but I don't remember him ever listing any professional experience as a lawyer when he ran for mayor.

I suppose he'll need that much money so he can have a shark tank installed in his office, just like the Wilshire Blvd esquires down in LA who fleece the public for a living.

I'm thinking the Labor Commissioner ought to open an investigation if Branam expects Busse to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Even on a salary, I can't imagine that's legal.

My understanding is that Branam is recently divorced and is/was involved in real estate investment.

Court records probably reflect both facts.

Given the Busse payout's questionable nature and the real estate decline headed for Portland, there should be a close eye watching his campaign coffers.

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