No sign of Fish

The "clean money" checks must have cleared -- Jim Middaugh for City Council lawn signs are cropping up like weeds over here in Northeast Portland. No mention of his current employer on the signs -- you were expecting "I was the Brains Behind Erik Sten"?
As eager as I am to see an end put to Opie-ism, I'm awfully concerned that Nick Fish, Middaugh's main opponent in the race, is completely off the average person's radar screen at this point. I don't know what the heck Fish is busy doing these days -- raising money, maybe? But he sure isn't making contact with everyday voters. So far I haven't seen a lawn sign, a bumper sticker, a button, a bus bench, a mailer, a media ad -- nada.
Fish blew an enormous lead over Sam "the Tram" Adams the last time he ran for the council, four years ago. Fish trounced Adams in the primary, but then fell back on endorsements and overconfidence while Adams and Sten stole the runoff election from him. I was stunned as the Tramster's sickeningly hypocritical "Shake Up City Hall" lawn signs appeared all over town, and Fish never responded with a barrage of his own.
The signs were the tipping point. And sadly, it's happening again.
Sten timed his resignation perfectly for Middaugh, who golly, was the only guy who had time to get "clean money," and he raised the necessary signatures in, like, an hour. How long before Sten announced his mysterious retirement did he tip Middaugh off? A month? Two months? Six months?
The Sten machine, which I hear is now referring to Fish as "a perennial candidate," is in serious butt-kicking mode. The bike helmet, the Gorge people, the streetcar people, plaudits from Middaugh's pals in Eugene (including DeFazio) -- if you want this, Nick, you'd better wake up soon. If you lead with Barbara Roberts again, the Bus kids will be laughing you right out of Candidates Gone Wild.
Comments (4)
I would be shocked if Nick Fish owns any camouflage. Somebody is worried about name recognition if they're already calling him a "perennial" candidate.
I voted for Fish when he ran against Vera's lapdog. He knocked on my door during a heavy spring rainshower and talked to me for ten minutes.
I'm voting for Dozono, Fritz, Fish, and ABR (anyone but Randy). As much contempt as I have for the Fireman, I have no idea who's running against him. But s/he has my vote!
He may have spent too much energy talking policy and not enough time/money washing off the slime the Weinermobile dumped on him. But I'd rather vote for a wonk than Sten's handpicked successor.
With three council seats on the ballot (plus the mayor's race), does the average voter even know who's running against who until the voter's pamphlets arrive?
Sten's Chief of Staff might get the condo mafia and Bus Kids support because Opie endorsed him. But their Fearless Leader just fell on his sword, which has got to put some of those votes into play. And I wonder if a Serena Cruz or Rep. DeFazio endorsement will have much impact this time around.
If the voters are in the mood for change, I'm not sure the guy with the most lawn signs wins.
Posted by Mister Tee | March 10, 2008 9:45 PM
If it's the guy they never heard of before, that's not to Fish's advantage.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 10, 2008 9:50 PM
Hello !!! Is anyone noticing? Someone is, I've had 15,000 hits on my web site in a month.
Seat #2 isn't just the Jim and Nick Show, I'm in this race too, offering a viable alternative to either of the two "most visible" guys.
Check out my web site, decide for yourself who the "most viable" candidate REALLY is.
Ed Garren
Posted by Ed Garren | March 12, 2008 6:07 AM
Community activist for over 30 years: Strike 1.
2. Recent transplant from Hollywood, CA: Strike 2.
3. Union shill (they're already voting for Middaugh): Strike 3.
Sorry, Ed. Unless you got a horse that can talk, you're a high probability footnote to this election.
I would think about adding a few photos of you on your bike, or standing next to a fountain with helmet hair. That might peel off a few BTA votes for you.
Posted by Mister Tee | March 12, 2008 7:22 AM