
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 21, 2008 12:29 AM. The previous post in this blog was Can you say "President McCain"?. The next post in this blog is Build it up with silver and gold. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's the babe, stupid

What is the point of this? It's early to be beating down McCain to ensure a Democratic victory in November. Maybe the Times is trying to help Hillary. "Don't worry. He's so weak, even she can beat him."

Comments (8)

As a TNR blogger stated,

"In addition to being a phenomenally talented politician, is it possible that Obama's the luckiest man in the history of civilization?"

Answer: Yes.

“I would very much like to think that I have never been a man whose favor can be bought,” Mr. McCain wrote about his Keating experience in his 2002 memoir.

"My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not."

Innuendo at best. But I dont understand...didnt the NYT endorse McCain? Surely they knew about this when they endorsed him. I wonder what changed.

(shrugs) Hey, she's hot. Way to go John-boy!

The majority of the NYT article, and even the parts about the particular female lobbyist, are about McCain's behavior in his official capacity; the nature of his relationship with her is an unnecessary side note. The headline: "For McCain, Self-Confidence on Ethics Poses Its Own Risk" describes the central concern of the article much better than most of the reporting and commentary derived from it.

McCain's defense seems to be that he's not corrupt, just a bit tone deaf to the niceties of ethical behavior. As if that helps.

On the NY Times, as on any good newspaper, the editorial and news sections are separate operations. You see it in the Wall Street Journal where news stories on the front page often dispute the right wing ideology of its editorial pages.

Besides, the NYT endorsed McCain by default, as the rest of the GOP field is either too whacko or too sleazy to contemplate as president.

This story is one of the Times's worst in many a year. First of all, it's nothing but innuendo. Moreover, even if he had an affair eight years ago, is that really front-page-newsworthy now? If you don't think the wheels are coming off mainstream journalism, just look at this. It's pathetic.

Moreover, even if he had an affair eight years ago, is that really front-page-newsworthy now?

I heard someone make a point of that yesterday...and it seems when Kerry was running for president, there was a similar story about Kerry's past. But it was on page 19...

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