
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 18, 2008 10:00 AM. The previous post in this blog was They put the "F" in Whole Foods. The next post in this blog is Battle of the Slimy Polls. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Monday, February 18, 2008

I may be too old for this

ORblogs for your iPhone.

Comments (5)

If it works through wireless, it'll work on the iPod touch, too, for which you are surely not too old. It's the ATT phone service that makes the iPhone so hard to accept.

If *I'm* not too old, then you're not too old.

And I'm *definitely* not too old!

Seriously, I have found that I'm spending more time using my Touch for in-house browsing after a long day in front of a laptop/computer monitor. (There's nothing quite like watching a TiVo-ed Blazer game & catching a quick peek at email from the comfort of my living room couch.)

And it also comes in handy when you're killing time waiting in the looong loooong checkout line at your kid's school auction, for example...

Allan L: It's the ATT phone service that makes the iPhone so hard to accept.

Apparently, not for quite a few of the iphone purchasers.

iPhones are very cool but I'm not buying one till it can replace my Blackberry, and that won't happen until iPhones can talk to Exchange servers (and pick up corporate email), and until it can roam all over the world (except maybe Japan -- even a quad-band Blackberry doesn't work in Japan -- I had to rent a Japanese cellphone when I went there, but the Blackberry worked like a champion everywhere else).

Also I'd rather be on the EVDO network than the EDGE network (although my Blackberry is on the EDGE network and it is passably fast most of the time).

Not just for iphones.

Old Dell AXIM too!

Look up DivX, and you might see that now-ancient word blogs won't increase the demand for the latest and greatest gadgets, or bandwidth consumption.

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