
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2008 8:21 PM. The previous post in this blog was Who filed the anonymous IRS complaint against Charles Lewis?. The next post in this blog is Another great Zach Randolph moment. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Eclipse Night

Aaaaoooooooo! We strolled through the 'hood and went out to dinner this evening. On the way home, we saw our shadows -- on the moon!

Comments (7)

The star in the 2 o'clock direction 'above' the Moon is Regulus, betoken of regents, kings and kindred; in lore, eclipses denote the lights going out -- thus, foretoken of the demise of a king, or queen, and royalty categorically. (How 'fore-' is it 'foretoken' is another matter, and though esoteric books spell out how to calculate the time interval until the 'token' ticket is punched, I just wave my hands mumbojumbo and pull a number out of thin air: May 3rd, coming up. Exclusive here at Bojack's first. Regents: got any ...?)

The other star, sorta 10 o'clock direction 'above' the Moon, ain't a star, that's the planet Saturn. You can tell which ones are planets because they are the only ones that don't twinkle; their shine is reflected light.

New Coat Of Paint, Tom Waits.

So let's put a new coat of paint
On this lonesome old town
Set em' up, set em' up we'll be knockin' 'em down
You wear a dress baby
I'll wear a tie
We'll laugh at that old bloodshot moon
In that burgundy sky

GREAT VIEW, from Earth, but causes me to ponder what the man-in-the-moon thought about the Solar eclipse last night.

I was wondering why one of my telephoto pictures of the eclipse turned out like this.

I couldn't see it through the smoked glass and pinhole in the piece of paper I was using.

I couldn't see it through the smoked glass...

Lunar Eclipse Rule #1

Use an EMPTY glass.

You can tell which ones are planets because they are the only ones that don't twinkle; their shine is reflected light.

And we all know reflected light don't twinkle, huh?

Planets don't "twinkle" much because they are (apparently) larger than stars and their light originates from much, much closer to Earth than that of even the closest star. Earth's turbulent atmosphere randomly refracts what is essentially point-source stellar light and creates the illusion of "twinkling" stars.

Planets can "twinkle" too, especially when near the horizon and when the atmosphere is particularly turbulent.

Or if you've overindulged...

I'm sorry some of you had problems viewing the eclipse. I learned the hard way last August...

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