
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 15, 2008 9:33 AM. The previous post in this blog was Portland to put another mid-nine figures on plastic. The next post in this blog is Tossup. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

A whole different ballgame

Here in Portland, City Hall has an all-night potty. But up north, they do things up in a much bigger way.

Comments (5)

"our distribution policy sucks."
"How do you level the playing field?"

Easy Re-distibute by
"the answer is obvious: Offer fully stocked bathrooms, showers, and laundry facilities to any and all homeless and low-income citizens who need them, free of charge, seven days a week."

Free soap too?

Tax-payer money helping people..how novel, never will happen in " The City That Works You Over".

This is certainly a great thing because, as the article noted, you can't get a job if you look dirty.

I remember the Salvation Army Greenhouse, which served homeless street kids, had these kinds of services. It got swallowed up by New Avenues (Potter's former gig) and I would assume they offer showers and laundry. Doesn't Central City Concern do this? If not, let's bring a branch of Urban Rest Stop down here.

SUPER GREAT IDEA! I'm willing to bet a place like this could be run for much less than the clowns at City Hall are spending on their "24/7 Open Bathroom" program. Not to mention, it's nowhere near where most homeless are likely to use the facility.

We can fill a couple of those empty Condo Towers. Home for all.

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