
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 11, 2008 5:16 AM. The previous post in this blog was Macpherson takes a hard left. The next post in this blog is That time of the month. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere

Come on, Portland City Hall. Please get with this program.

Comments (24)

They cost 100 grand a pop, CoP will gladly pay 200 grand and they don't need to work, call the designer.

I'd be shocked if the CoP could install one of these for less than $250k.

If they're located downtown, they will still get filthy in a few days without human intervention.

Yet another example of how human beings can complicate even the most basic activities...

Three 16 inch "servings" of TP maximum?

Seattle has had restrooms like this for a few years now. Portland is losing the space potty race!

Portland will not only buy these but they'll screw up the 25 cent charge (billing) to use them.

Seems like they use an awful lot of energy and water, not to mention chemical disinfectant. My guess is that they are not "green" enough for Portland.

15 minute time limit? I'm barely getting started by then!

They've had them in France for at least 20 years....NYC tried to install them some time back but ran into (no pun) problems because they weren't accessible for wheelchairs.
What we have noticed in traveling-the USA has the filthiest public bathrooms when you can even find one.

Seems like they use an awful lot of energy and water, not to mention chemical disinfectant. My guess is that they are not "green" enough for Portland.

You're right. Why look at these wasteful contraptions when stairwells and doorways are so carbon neutral.

I bet soon they will have little monitors installed in those things that will advertise to the captive audience - like they do on newer gas pumps. Ugh.

I can see the sponsors (hello, Charmin?) lining up now!

I like this one

hmm, let's see...where have I seen a setup where the customer stands behind a one-way glass pane and drops their pants before?

Calling Mr. Wiffle....

Huh. Oddly enough, a pal of mine living in Germany was just telling me about these yesterday. He said the charge there is 0.30-0.50 euros, so a quarter a session seems pretty cheap. (Of course there are those moments where a person would pay anything to get in one right now. I hope they don't develop desperation-based charges!)

desperation-based charges

I think the technical term is 'congestion pricing'.

If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere

Shouldn't those its have a "sh" in front of them?

"I like this one." That's not in Houston;
it's in Switzerland. See Snopes.

0.25 for 15 minutes and quiet and spacious? That's cheaper and easy than a motel room with clean sheets!

0.25 for 15 minutes and quiet and spacious? That's cheaper and easy than a motel room with clean sheets!


Grrrrrrrr. Mmmmmmmmm. Whew! Need to eat more bran.

Potty humor.

In Portland, what group is more responsible for street-side urination, drunks or homeless?

100K is an amazing price, yikes. And I can't imagine how much it would take to keep these things clean. One hour on a Friday night in Old Town would kill it.

I've used these overseas. They are actually not bad. No one can see anything, they do not stink, you can fit four in the space of one porta-potty.

These also worked well.

Vote for Randy Leonard's new restrooms on his website! http://www.portlandonline.com/leonard/

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