
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 14, 2007 11:16 PM. The previous post in this blog was Fascinating Puzzle of the Week. The next post in this blog is Yes, there's no place to park for the holidays. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Six straight for the Blazers

They beat Utah for the second time in a week. Again without LaMarcus, who says he'll be back next week, but Martell took an IV to cope with what the Pepto Bismol ads used to call "distress in the lower tract." The Rip City squad is now just a game under .500.

The Blazers have a couple of tough ones ahead. They have to fly to Denver for a game Sunday (never fun), then come back home to host New Orleans the next night. On Wednesday they are visited by Toronto, which is also playing well of late. But hey, anything can happen. If you told me they were going to beat Utah twice and Golden State in between, I would not have believed you.

Comments (6)

This year is already better than last year. They are so much more fun to watch because they enjoy themselves and have embraced the not particularly subtle concept that basketball is a team sport that's supposed to flow. Keep on flowin!

Lunch pail kids. All of 'em. I haven't seen this swagger, toughness and unflappable calm in a looooooooong time. Who knows if it's for the long haul, but I know they're playing better team ball than a year ago and that's progress.

Beating Utah twice in one week? They went to the western conference finals last year... they were the up-and-coming team to be measured against. Were.

Looks like interest may my be greater than expected for the big Christmas Day Game on ESPN.

Now only if we can get Comcast to sell the Blazer games to Dish Network.

Greg C

One of the highlights of the game had to be James Jones getting into a quasi-scrap with Carlos Boozer at the end of the first half. Really James? All 275 pounds of Carlos Boozer? I appreciated the moxie but think there are perhaps safer Utah players to pick on; is Jeff Hornacek still floating around the league, or is he off doing his k.d. Lang imitation full time now?

Joel Pryzbilla drew three charging fouls last night. Didn't have a great stat night, because they don't have a stat for forcing turnovers. I think Pryzbilla is finally getting respect from the referees for his defense after toiling for several years, and so he's now getting the calls that went against hime a couple of years ago.

If that's the case, he's probably going to be the Blazers No. 1 center for a year or two more, because Oden, when he comes back, will not be accorded the same respect by referees on defense and will rack up a lot of fouls per game.

Besides, Pryzbilla looks younger than Oden.

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