
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 5, 2007 4:39 PM. The previous post in this blog was Rods that won't be ramblin'. The next post in this blog is Blazers' season officially over. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our sick nation, cont'd

We're very near the end of the empire.

Comments (31)

A reader adds:

Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills people.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain.

Chuck Norris has two speeds. Walk, and Kill.

The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Somehow, those Chuck Norris jokes become a lot less funny when spoken by a hick governor who doesn't believe in evolution and who pardons convicted rapists so they can rape and kill again.

I appreciate Huckabee's sense of humor--I don't think I've ever laughed at a political ad before. He seems to be a cool guy I'd hang out with. But no way in hell I'd vote for him.

when "can i have guns?" becomes the primary question in a campaign ad, the Empire is certainly doomed.

"Put the IRS out of business." This gets a lot of Republicans all hot and bothered, but it's the most ridiculous proposition you can imagine.

"Put the IRS out of business."

That might be the only way to put the Bush war machine out of business, since the Democrats are refusing do it.

Thinking out loud here, but... Who the hell is trying to take away our 2nd amendment? Please explain it to me, because it must be some secret plan by those darn libruls. No Dem or Republican I know or met has uttered 'gun control' for their party platform.

And "put the IRS out of business"? What type of fantasy world are we living in? How simple-minded and childish to even spew this nonsense.

When in doubt, resort to the guttural allure of irrelevant, hot button issues to stir the conservative base from the bottom of the barrel... Throw in a B-list celebrity 'tough-guy' and you've hit the GOP playbook trifecta.

"when "can i have guns?" becomes the primary question in a campaign ad, the Empire is certainly doomed."

When the answer is "no, you can't!" that's when it's over.

Clearly Chuck just envisions a Utopian state where the IRS is no longer required to enforce the payment of taxes as every family will honestly pay a full bounty to the Lord who reigns as the millennial President of the United States as the King of Peace...just after He natuarally wipes all the liberal filth from the glorified earth and lets them burn in eternal hell.

If he does another one featuring Bruce Schneier I'll be impressed.

"No Dem or Republican I know or met has uttered 'gun control' for their party platform"

Wow, you must be living in a cave that's wired for internet. Ever hear of Ginny Burdick?

TKrueg - Looks up the DC case before the Supreme Court.

Political affiliations aside that is one the best commercials I have ever seen.

Any political ad people will watch voluntarily on YouTube over and over, and send to their friends ... is doing something right.

"Put the IRS out of business." This gets a lot of Republicans all hot and bothered, but it's the most ridiculous proposition you can imagine.

If your a tax Lawyer

No, if you have a brain. To run the United States, even in the Neanderthal mode that the GOP favors, you will need trillions of dollars in taxes. And gee, without an IRS, no one is going to just send them in. The federal revenues would become like the fares on MAX.

Jack, two words: "Fair Tax"


A great way to repeal the 16th amendment, completely change the IRS forever and generate massive economic growth for this country.

I hate to agree with neandrathals, but there is nothing in principle that's hard or dumb about putting the IRS out of business.

Where we part company is in how; I say you simply decide to STOP taxing the things we want more of in our economy (jobs, investment, savings) and START taxing the things we want less of (creation of toxic wastes, pollution, and consumption of nonrenewable resources).

In other words, eliminate income and payroll taxes and get the revenue with upstream (producer) taxes on raw materials and energy use and with stiff taxes on material waste streams. It's the carbon tax we desperately need if we're going to head off climate armageddon, along with a great shot in the arm to the economy because we stop discouraging jobs while encouraging job-flight to overseas countries.

Best of all, the vast army of lawyer/CPA/ lobbyist talent now being wasted (no productive benefit to society) on burrowing through the tax code and obtaining or applying favors and figuring out tax avoidance strategies goes away. Corporate accounting becomes transparent again because there's no tax pressure causing corporadoes to want to hide success (profits).

Use land rent as the other component of taxes to stabilize the system. Land rent is the REAL fair tax, since no one created the land they own and most of its value is socially created anyway.

A great way to repeal the 16th amendment, completely change the IRS forever and generate massive economic growth for this country.

Sure, the income tax is a disgrace, but you know what? You are completely delusional.

START taxing the things we want less of (creation of toxic wastes, pollution, and consumption of nonrenewable resources).

And who's going to collect those taxes? Jehovah's Witnesses going door to door?

Corporate accounting becomes transparent again because there's no tax pressure causing corporadoes to want to hide success (profits).

Corporations keep at least two sets of books -- often three or four. Perfectly legal. Trust me, the incentives for them to cheat on their taxes and to lie to their shareholders are completely independent of each other.

According to Fair Tax:

"The FairTax plan is a comprehensive proposal that replaces all federal income and payroll based taxes with an integrated approach including a progressive national retail sales tax, a prebate to ensure no American pays federal taxes on spending up to the poverty level,..."

So, who do you think is going to oversee the collection of those sales taxes? You don't think the Feds will allow no oversight of the states do you? What about the prebate? Who administers that? Sounds like a job for a modified IRS.

No kiddin'. These people are out their minds. There will always, always, always have to be an IRS, and they need to grow up and get over that.

"Sounds like a job for a modified IRS."

No Sh!t, like I posted earlier "...completely change the IRS forever."

The IRS bureaucracy would be cut in half with the Fair Tax.

Probably true. But a national sales tax would be horribly regressive. A family of four just above the poverty level would pay the same 27 percent national sales tax rate on buying a used jalopy as a rich doctor would pay on buying a Porsche. That ain't fair.

Nor is it politically feasible. Once middle America figures it out, they'll be screaming. Along with the H&R Blocks and TurboTaxes and CPAs and white-collar people who will lose their jobs if it's passed, the average Joe will kill the "fair tax." But hey, waste your breath on it if you like.

a national sales tax would be horribly regressive. A family of four just above the poverty level would pay the same 27 percent national sales tax rate on buying a used jalopy as a rich doctor would pay on buying a Porsche. That ain't fair.

Why? Isnt that how it works in states with a sales tax? And if you eliminated all the stupid ways to get out of paying taxes the rate wouldnt have to be anywhere near 27 percent.

And besides, I thought the best way to be "fair" to everyone was that we are all treated the same way.

"And who's going to collect those taxes? Jehovah's Witnesses going door to door?"
Why, Chuck Norris of course.
I find the ad pretty funny which I presume was the intent.

There is no consensus on what "fair" means. That is the whole issue right there. Some people think it is fair that higher income people pay the majority of all income taxes. Other people think it is fair if everyone pays the same amount. Others think it is fair if everyone pays the same percentage. There is no consensus and probably never will be. That is what drives the continued discussion and the continual changes in the codes as power shifts slightly from one side to the other.

didn't Bruce Lee kill Chuck Norris in Way of the Dragon?

yeah. though so.

Bruce Lee doesn't do push ups, he tells Chuck Norris to do them for him.

Ha ha ha!
It is a good ad! Clever and visceral. Great ads are rarely intellectual.

Now if someone can figure out how to incorporate the Dramatic Prairie Dog.

Then there's this one other little teensie-weensie bombshell thing: NY Times, Wash. Post chronicled Huckabee's rise in polls -- but not recent developments in DuMond case -- Summary: In the last week, several news outlets have reported on recent developments in the case of Wayne DuMond, a convicted rapist sentenced to life in prison in 1984, who was paroled in 1997 after "[then-Arkansas Gov. Mike] Huckabee and a senior member of his staff exerted behind-the-scenes influence." ... a former senior aide to Huckabee, Olan W. "Butch" Reeves, said that, in October 1996, Huckabee told the Post Prison Transfer Board that "the prison sentence meted out to Dumond for his rape conviction was 'outlandish' and 'way out of bounds for his crime.' Huckabee believed there 'was something nefarious' about how the state's criminal justice system had treated Dumond ...."

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