
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 7, 2007 5:25 AM. The previous post in this blog was Mess around, you'll end up in Dutch, boy. The next post in this blog is Come gather 'round, suckers, wherever you roam. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Everything is broken

More bureaucratic excellence chronicled here. Hey, let's build a wind farm!

Comments (11)

Yes, Jack, we've been chronicling this for a couple of weeks (I think the Trib had it). And all it will cost is $33 million dollars for the city's share. We've got the money, right? We need more bonded indebtedness, right?
Listen, if we can spend money on the Zoobombers Statue, then surely we've got the dough for this, right?

Move along now, nothing to see here.

Go somewhere and read about the city's budget surplus and the good things being done with all the excess millions.

Funny guy, that is pure genius.

In recent weeks I've noticed that it takes the machines downtown longer and longer to process my debit card when I pay for on-street parking. Once upon a time, they'd spit out receipt in five seconds flat. Now they take their time as they "authorize" and "approve " my card. Last week, I timed a machine down on SW 4th and it took over a full minute to give me a receipt as I was standing out in the rain.

New machines are to blame? Lame! Bring back the old ones.

As we all know, all products, especially new products, are always perfect, and work perfectly. It's why Ebay is crowded with refurbished ipods that Apple has fixed, after they were turned in for warranty repairs.

While one could certainly engage in a meangingful and important conversation about how far on the cutting edge a municipality should be (which is, I think, the motivation that prompted buying new machines), the fact that the machines have some problems is not really noteworthy. I just hope the City is aggressive in pursuing the company, so that the products purchased perform as advertised.

You're right, I am going thru the same fight with these machine. It is blowin' rain and I wait for the CC authorization (sometimes) and then I wait for the printer (always.) It seems like it is taking longer and longer.

"As we all know, all products, especially new products, are always perfect, and work perfectly."

Y'know, I never had this probelm with the old coin meters. Why not let someone else debug thest things? Some commissioner seems to get a bug about new technology he knows nothing about, slick salesman comes along and taps into the "you gotta stay sustainable and up-to-date and financially sharp" and bingo, we are stuck with:
- Water billing computers
- parking meters
- wifi
- reservoir lids (almost)
- PGE Park

Fiber and Polaris biosolids are going to be the next boondoggles. Why can't these guys do the simple things (roads, police and reasonably priced water/sewer) before they attempt techonlogy that they have no clue how it works?

I just hope the City is aggressive in pursuing the company, so that the products purchased perform as advertised.


You can't be serious - oh, I forgot. Pass the Kool-Aid.

I use the "new and improved" models and concur it takes sometimes a full minute to get the receipt, unlike the old version which would spit it right out. So, it appears to me that the consumer is losing a minute of time as the time stamp always inputs the time that one starts the process. Can you say consumer fraud!! Class Action??

When I flew in yesterday the two Tri-met ticket machines in the terminal baggage claim would not take credit or debit cards only one worked and it would only take cash. I saw a gentleman fussing with it until a nice worker explained it was not functioning and lead him out to the third ticket machine on the platform.

Water billing computers
- parking meters
- wifi
- reservoir lids (almost)
- PGE Park

Fiber and Polaris biosolids are going to be the next boondoggles. Why can't these guys do the simple things (roads, police and reasonably priced water/sewer) before they attempt techonlogy. STEVE SAID:

Why can't we fix this problem?

No guts to fire them in a recall, or make sure that you get back to the basics of goverment that is why.


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