
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 5, 2007 1:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was Every 'dog has its day. The next post in this blog is The real deal. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dignity Village for all

While we're on the subject of designing the future housing projects for Portland, here are a couple of ideas that didn't get submitted to the competition here in the Rose City. Think stackable pre-fab cardboard pods, people. Green! Sustainable.

Comments (7)

Don't overlook these affordable homes:



Last spring there was a tv news story reporting that there is a surplus of shipping containers in the US due to the trade imbalance, it being cost prohibitive to ship empty containers back to the originating country. Some of these containers were being stacked and turned into living accommodations.

Those perrinepod things aren't cheap. They are more like very upscale mobile homes for the price of a house.

That shipping container idea is not only good but being used quite extensively. Here are two links to stories:



The last link is to Bob Villa. If it's good enough for old Bob, there must be something to this idea. Seems like there is enough interest that someone could do something really good with them.

Stacked shipping containers worked very well for the obsolete robots in "I, Robot." Why not for obsolete humans?

When you blow all your money on a $200k concrete box; it's no wonder the greenies love Ikea.

Wow, that does look sustainable. But green?

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