
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 12, 2007 3:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was Buck-a-Hit Day plans are shaping up. The next post in this blog is Geezer's dream. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another sign

We are very near the end of civilization.

Comments (17)

Is wOOt a derivative of sOOwOOt?

Where did you learn to spell? It's w00t, not wOOt.

Confession : I love the w00t!. A must use for trivia night when the answers are right and I've had one or four.

On the threshold of the end ...

w00t! Also the sound owls make after falling into the vat at the brewery.

Jack, "00" stands for the $$dollar signs of s00woot.

Oh, I don't it's the end just yet. We survived C3PO, R2D2, TVC15, and Y2K!

thats just bizarre. i nominate "leeroy jenkins" for phrase of the year then...

Oh w00t! I figured you were linking to this: http://www.startribune.com/local/12416921.html

I nominate Wh00p H00p!

Whoop, whoop!

Yeah, I was about to point out that w00t was very derivative of Bud Clark, circa 1985.

So, forgive me for being terribly un-hip, but how is that pronounced? And is there some special significance to the use of zeros in place of the letter o? I'm not sure that I get it, but would love it if someone would explain. Maybe I don't watch enough television to "get it..." Heck, I don't watch any television, so if this was on TV, no wonder I don't get it...

How is it pronounced? I've never heard it spoken. I think it is part of the "written" "language."

I hope it stays contained to the written language. Having spent far too much time playing online games (and participated in the related ventrilo and teamspeak aspects), I know that some words are not to be spoken aloud. For those not heavily into online gaming, ventrilo and teamspeak are cheap versions of online conference calls: imagine between 5 and 40 late teen, early twenty gamers (plus a few older folks) all speaking in a conference call while they play a videogame together ... that's what i'm talking about it. I've hear more butchered English there ... such as people verbalizing w00t, l33t, lol, brb, and every other textual abbreviation ever.

It is pronounce wzerozerot

All your base are belong to us.

al, SoWhat=s00w00t=sOOwOOt=0$$w$$t

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