
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 14, 2007 5:27 PM. The previous post in this blog was Another $100 million for Hoffman Construction. The next post in this blog is You'll get no argument from me. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Our blue-jean city

They love us in St. Louis.

Comments (10)

Quintrants, not quadrants.

There are FIVE sections of the city.

*sheesh* It's like north Portland doesn't exist to these people.

For all its troubles, we do live in the best city in the nation. We should consider ourselves lucky, if not privileged. Trust me. I’ve seen elsewhere and it’s not worth mentioning.

I first moved here in 1993. Then in 2005 with the promise of a “good job” I moved back east where I came from. I guess I started taking Portland for granted. I realized the terrible mistake I was making just about the time I drove past the Troutdale truck stop on the way out of town. I did everything I could to return, which I finally did this year.

I’m not ever going to make that mistake again. Let me be an example of what not to do.

Joe--I've done the same thing--moved away for money, moved back for love--three times. Staying put now.

As for the St. Louis travel story, looks like it was lifted from a Portland visitor's bureau brochure or maybe a CitySearch web page. Except that I'm sure our media would have gotten directions to Multnomah Falls right.

Most people in Portland will agree, I think, that there aren't many places in the country as good.

There's a lot of room for disagreement about the why and how of that, however.

I agree with Gil - reads like it's lifted straight from a brochure.

Pity that in the entire article, she dedicated THREE sentences to anything east of the Willamette. Of the 5 quintrants (as Godfrey correctly notes), she really only talks about two...

The story 'dateline' is: PORTLAND, ORE.
This drives me nuts. What's up with easterners using ORE as the abbreviation for Oregon? I know, it's a holdover, but really, ORE?
I want to echo Joe Wilson's comments: 'For all its troubles, we do live in the best city in the nation. We should consider ourselves lucky, if not privileged. Trust me. I’ve seen elsewhere and it’s not worth mentioning.' I moved here in 1976 and when, in the early 80s I lost my job, I explored well paying gigs in 'other places'. I chose not to leave even though it was rough going for a while. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Thanks for the post, Jack.

Hey look, they mentioned the tram. It IS a great way to see the city at dusk...

It's the perfect spot to observe the twilight of the city's solvency.

There are plenty of coffee options but I don't think there is a Stumptown even close to NW 23rd. I think SW 11th and Stark is the closest one.

Ah yes, Portland without mention of all it's warts. Funny, I was just back in St. Louis, found it to be a charming city in it's own way. Also, I'm looking VERY forward to leaving this state and soon (not sure where yet, I'm working on that one - got secure employment first).

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