
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 18, 2007 5:08 AM. The previous post in this blog was Tallest of the Giants. The next post in this blog is Road trip!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Oregon drivers: dumber than those in Washington or Idaho

At least according to this study, they are.

Comments (11)

I Dunno Jack, I have seen a lot of Really bad things in Washington State I once saw a Mercedes driver Pass a truck on I5 south of Exit 57 . At the top of that hill is a rest area. instead of slowing down to get into rest area the Mercedes passed the truck missed the exit and backed up the sb on ramp to the rest area . A Mercedes with Washington plates is quite lethal and totally dumb. If you would like more horror stories ask any one who drives truck who drives for a living. I have 1.5 million accident free miles in a commercial truck.

And where is New Jersey on the list?

Does Vera drive yet?

Did you notice that Oregon ranked #1 in 2005 and 2006?

There's a difference between knowing better and acting civilly. I think Oregon drivers are some of the kindest around (although, I must admit, slamming your brakes on the freeway to let in merging traffic is kind, but please, let's not do that.)

I used to do traffic control at PDX, and even though Washington plates made up only about 15% of our total traffic, they accounted for just over half of "belligerent drivers" who are those who purposely disobey traffic signs or officer instructions.

My favorite incident was right around Christmas when traffic was really heavy and the loop around the airport was nearly gridlocked. A woman in an SUV pulled into the taxi lane, rammed through the wooden gate, sped through the restricted zone, then drove over the sidewalk (pedestrians and all) back into the public lanes to pick up her passenger. Yup, Washington plates.

Hey...all four PNW states are in the top ten.

I have long contended that Washington drivers are the worst in the Portland area.

I must admit, slamming your brakes on the freeway to let in merging traffic is kind, but please, let's not do that.

Several years ago, merging from 217 to I5 south, I had a lady in front of me STOP at the end of the on-ramp, with her head out the window, waiting for a break in 70mph traffic for which she could "merge." (This was before all the new construction there..)

Well certainly! Best of all, we've already got a street named in honor of Oregon drivers...First St.! Impatiently shortened from Me First St. I'm a native Oregonian but I cringe at the bewilderment of my fellows when a school bus stops at a RxR crossing, sheesh. Look out! Blinkin' lights! Chicago to El Paso, Atlanta to Seattle, the best drivers I've found had CA. plates. Golden State pilots have the best grasp of Karma, collective hive and ripples in the pond of traffic. Remember in WA., it's right, left, other right, other left.

Listen, we are a sanctuary state and illegal aliens flock here by the thousands. You can't blame true Oregonians for this can you? Blame sleepy Teddy K. for his treasonous acts of dual national freedoms. All of the real estate California transplants. What about them mucking up the roads? Blame the ODOT for ignoring the will of the people on speed limits on freeways. Take a closer look and back off jerk!

I remember when Dr. No Kitz said "there would be a blood bath" if we raised the speed limit to 65-70. Well Guv, if you would pull your cowboy hat a little higher next time you are driving in Idaho, you would discover that their secondary highways are at 65, and hang on to your saddle horn Guv, the limit on the freeways is 75! Last time I checked the big zero, there are no ongoing blood baths in Idaho. They like keeping the limits lower than what everyone is driving at so they can fill the state/municipal coffers and keep the insurance companies happy with an easy way to increase your insurance rates.

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