Moose chili, baby
My uncle-in-law is a civic leader, an educator, and a Montana native. From that last personal attribute comes his skill at hunting. A while back when he visited us, he dropped off several packages of frozen game meat that he had scored on his hunting trips out near the Oregon Coast, where he makes his home.
We're still trying to figure out how to prepare some of it, but last night the Mrs. took some ground moose and whipped up some chili in the crock pot she acquired last Christmas. Skeptical at first, I warmed right up to it. There was nothing like this in Down Neck Newark when I was a lad. Mighty tasty, Bullwinkle.
Comments (11)
Jack, just stay away from the Moose Knuckle.
Posted by meg | November 15, 2007 6:35 AM
Uhhhhhhhhhhh, as a long time, hough now former deer and (sometimes) elk hunter I am curious, Jack. Moose? From Oregon? If so, that's news to me. Has ODF&W relocated some moose to Oregon from northern Idaho or British Columbia. Are you sure he didn't give you some elk meat?
Posted by paul | November 15, 2007 7:30 AM
the word is THOUGH not hough.
By the by Jack I don't want you and the misses to go to any trouble with that elk meat. Why don't I just (heh heh) do you a favor and take it off your hands? Elk meat would not only be great for chili, it would be great in several Chinese and Italian dishes. Bon Apetit!
Posted by paul | November 15, 2007 7:33 AM
Hey Paul: Googled moose in Oregon and found there ARE moose in Oregon -- but out in the northeastern corner of the state. Apparently, they've been swimming across the Snake from Idaho:
Monday, August 21, 2006
Oregon moose population is booming
By The Associated Press
State wildlife biologist Pat Matthews doesn't have to see the moose to know they're moving into Oregon from neighboring Idaho in record numbers.
The 118 piles of droppings he saw on a walk along an overgrown logging road in northeastern Oregon told the tale.
There may be about 30 moose, including eight bulls, in the northeast corner of Oregon, immigrants from Idaho.
There are probably more, Matthews said.
Moose have been reported in northeastern Oregon since the 1960s, usually in ones and twos. But the animals now are probably at their highest number in state history, Matthews said.
"It is really no surprise they are finally getting into Oregon," Matthews said.
In Idaho, the moose population climbed from 500 in 1947 to 20,000 last year, according to Idaho wildlife officials. Their numbers also have expanded in Wyoming and Utah, Matthews said.
They seem to like shrubs and foliage that bloom after logging operations and wildfires.
They have been seen swimming across the Snake River into Oregon from Idaho in recent years, said Mike Hansen, a spokesman for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
They appear to be spread through northeastern Oregon's canyons and forests north of Elgin, good moose habitat.
Posted by Pete | November 15, 2007 9:52 AM
An ODFW employee reported and documented fully his sighting of a moose near Olallie lake several years ago. I spoke to him personally and he was very believable and not a nut bag.
There are moose in northeastern Washington and Idaho but Oregon coastal elk are the best meat by far. Smooch!!!
Ummmmm elkburgers.
Posted by Steven | November 15, 2007 9:55 AM
It might be elk. All large animals look alike to me when they're ground up.
On the other hand, Uncle John hunts all over, and so this might be moose from Montana.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 15, 2007 10:42 AM
Pete is correct...forgot about that. Same thing with wolves..swimming into Oregon. Had not heard of the Ollalie sighting. WOW.
Posted by paul | November 15, 2007 11:22 AM
I would replace all the beef in my diet if I could have venison. It's so much better for you and it at least has some taste. Same goes for lamb.
Posted by TKrueg | November 15, 2007 11:24 AM
Yes, TKrueg, I agree about venison if it is from the west side of Oregon. The mule deer I (too infrequently) bagged on the east side (Grant County) could be pretty bitter because of what they I'd turn almost all of mine into a Thuringer sausage made at a market that used to be at 104th and SE Holgate.
Posted by paul | November 15, 2007 12:55 PM
Hey Jack, Tell the Mrs. I have a recipe for Venison con Queso to knock your socks off! Part Mexican, part Montana. I'd gladly share it. The only moose recipe I know about is my Canadian great-grandmother's recipe for mincemeat. She said the best moose meat comes from the neck. Hmmmm...I don't know why, but that has always struck my funnybone. Moose Neck Mincemeat. Think about it.
Posted by linda | November 15, 2007 3:51 PM
It was in fact moose. Its origin is not entirely clear at this time, but it may have been an Idaho moose.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 15, 2007 10:04 PM