
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 16, 2007 8:33 PM. The previous post in this blog was Going nowhere fast. The next post in this blog is Rick Metsger won't ride MAX after dark. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

It's not just about inhaling $4 bags of Doritos

Portland's potheads are also quite active politically.

Comments (4)

you gotta fight....

... for your right

.... to parrrrrrr-tay!

Do ya ever think that while people who were adults in the 50s/60s got whipsawed by accelerating trends and technology, we who grew during those years suffer from a nostalgia for things that never happened?

When I was a kid, all the science fiction writers had us colonizing Mars by now. And in college, we all figured that by the time we were middle-aged--and thus part of the ruling elite--marijuana would be legal and sold in stores. So here it is 2007 and not having any teen-age children, I have no means of procuring...

...wait a minute, pizza guy is at the door.

I think they forgot, like the MC4, that the state has something to say on the matter. At least it is non-violent protest. Harmless.

The best thing though is that their sponsoring LLC does not appear to be filed as a non-profit so they won't be offering any tax deductibility on the donations; nor receiving any non-profit political slush funds from any one of the myriad of organizations that think that they deserve special treatment. They did the right thing, even if only by accident.

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