
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 26, 2007 4:29 PM. The previous post in this blog was Truth, stretched to the breaking point. The next post in this blog is Price of lords a-leaping jumps. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

County cans debt limit increase for building

At least for now.

Comments (5)

Thank god, a voice of sanity. What next are they going to spend money on schools and potholes instead of helping ahomer with his French restaurant?

The prospect of Sam as mayor gets more frightening by the $/minute.

Ted Wheeler says the county is going to explore other options. Here is one: negotiate a more realistic price on the Lincoln Building. The current owner of the building is trying to make a 400% return after buying it for $11 million two years ago.

With a recession looming, I don't think the office building market is going to be that hot.

The current owner of the building is trying to make a 400% return after buying it for $11 million two years ago.

JK: Let me guess, the current owner is a member of Portland's political class?


When will we hear about a government purchase of property for a barain four years ago and now worth 400% more?

And not with the asterix of then giving it away to a developer.

Suppose the county tried it the other way around, and said, "We have $44 million to spend on an office building. Do you have one you want to sell? If so, send us a description of the building and the price you want for it."

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