
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 29, 2007 1:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was Mousepads not included. The next post in this blog is Question of the Day. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

By the banks of her own lagoon

Vera Katz this, Vera Katz that, Sam the Tram on the cover -- the boys at Willamette Week seem kinda tired. I'm sure they'll light our fire when they launch the attacks on this guy.

Comments (7)

What conclusion might one draw when an inexperienced City Councilor with a record of incompetence is the only candidate for Portland Mayor?

"He is smart, energetic and focused on issues—transportation, sustainability and economic development—that energize Portland voters."

This is fascinating, Adams has managed to set up a smokescreen on these issues to divert people from bad roads/bridges, cozy developer relationships, water/sewer rates, incompetence and etc.

To win in this town you just wrap yourself in the right flag and there you go. A person with competence who addressed the real issues in running a city would get shut down because he went to a church 15 years ago or some other ginned up charge. Adams is very effective at political games if nothing else.

Yes, Willamette WEAK was very weak this week. Quite newsworthy that your link was inserted as an after thought. Oh Ya, about those prisoners doing weeding and leaf-raking..very newsy.
Big O and WW competing for Yawn of the day.

I can't believe that a guy who is a NON COLLEGE GRADUATE and who is so financially inept that he's already had a past bankruptcy is the main candidate for Mayor of Portland. If nothing else, this should be embarassing for Portland's so-called leaders.

Did they teach you to USE ALL CAPS in college, Dave?


and another thing...

If your implication is that a college education will necessarily produce a superior candidate, I would direct your attention to the current council.

IIRC, some of the current council members have some pretty high-falutin' college degrees.

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