
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 5, 2007 4:18 AM. The previous post in this blog was As the Brits see us. The next post in this blog is Reader poll: Will the Ducks make it to national title game?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

A vast, sexist conspiracy

That's one way to explain it when you get your butt whipped in a debate.

Comments (4)

Hey, the gender card beats all those crocodile tears. Hate it when they cry. LOL

Don't ask her to sign any pledges to back up her promises, that would be assulting a woman and invading her personal space!

There's something familiar about Clinton's heavy use of surrogates to initiate mud-slinging debates while she rolls her eyes at how silly these little people are. Perhaps Rove isn't spending so much time with his family after all.

*****Perhaps Rove isn't spending so much time with his family after all.*****

Well if we couldn't beat him at least we could learn from him.

Ladies & Gentlemen start your slime engines. It's an election year.

Greg C

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