
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 25, 2007 4:51 PM. The previous post in this blog was High holidays. The next post in this blog is How low the mighty have fallen. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

"A horrible time" to own Whole Foods stock

So says this observer.

Comments (8)

If your cardiac monitor looked like Whole Foods last years chart (yahoo finance) they would be reaching for the paddles.!

Whereas urban ugly Kroger (KR) Fred Meyer will have you on the tennis court.

Looks as Artsy Fartzy soon wears thin.

And yet Costco keeps chugging along. Maybe it shows that bulk warehouse retailing trumps elitist snobbery. I and thought that would play so well here in Portlandia.

What's interesting about the Whole Foods saga to me is that New Seasons ( a locally owned and operated) independant and several of our local food co-ops and farmers markets just keeps humming along and are doing quite well.

And that's free market capitalism ladies and gents...winners and losers. (I'll still take New Seasons over Whole Foods any day).

And that's free market capitalism ladies and gents...winners and losers. (I'll still take New Seasons over Whole Foods any day).

I heard that! I am thrifty (cheap) to the core--but don't mind spending more money for quality meats and produce at New Seasons. Keeping it local is nice too.

New Seasons rocks, but their prices sure have gotten high in the past two years. They need some competition. Well, we need some competition.

When I purchased some squash salad from the Whole Foods deli for a potluck I went to last week and only got about three spoons full for $6, I knew I wouldn't be making it a normal stop for my food.

Whole Foods is DEFINITELY a luxury retailer.

The only thing I can afford to eat there are the samples.

Luxury retailer? Well they don't call it "Whole Paycheck" for nothing.

Greg C

"Whole Paycheck"? How about "Whole Wallet"?

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