
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 15, 2007 4:14 PM. The previous post in this blog was Reader poll: Will Grampy stick around this time?. The next post in this blog is Go Fourth and multiply. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

A good place for dinner downtown tonight?

I'm playing host and need some suggestions. The closer to the Westin on Alder, the better.

Comments (17)

Always McCormick and Schmitts fishhouse, believe that's pretty close. Not experimental or hip, but solid food nonetheless.

Was thinking more close than zingy.

Mother's - they're having a Hungarian week, which is a close to Polish as you are going to get. But if you miss NJ Italian circa 1960 - try Mama Mia next door - same owner.

South Park. Excellent food. Good wine list. Neither too trendy nor too "old school." Plus it's located on one of the prettiest corners of downtown. And if your guests are from out of town and they happen to ask, pointing at the Arlington Club, "what's that building across the street?"--boy oh boy does that ever give you a good topic of conversation!

Park Kitchen. Their fall menu here.

One of the most inventive--yet solid--menus in town, and a phenomenal bar.

Hubers - Another good choice.


I try not to go downtown. If I do end up there, I try to make it as brief as possible.

I ate at Mother's once and thought it was vastly overpriced and wholly uninspired.

Clyde Common in the Ace Hotel, or Kenny and Zukes deli, also in the Ace.


Why don't you pull up the Westin on GoogleMaps? You could then click on the "What's Nearby" search link (in the Westin balloon when you scroll over the Westin "pin")and input "restaurants"...it showed me five pages of restaurants, each successive page a bit further away from the Westin.

Jake's is pretty close. Is that still good?


Um...jerk? Because I wanted readers' recommendations.

I know how to use Google.

I'm cookin' up some balsamic marinated chicken and cheese burritos with with Spanish rice and sauteed zukes. Should I set some extra places?

with with = extra rice!

Well, my personal fave is El Gaucho followed by Andina followed by my newest find, Pinnochio (around 10th & Alder). Can't go wrong there

Um...jerk? Because I wanted readers' recommendations.

I know how to use Google.

Well, excuuuuuuuuse me.

I didn't realize you wanted to blame somebody else if the food is crap.

Forgive me.

Godfry, the whole "Um" thing was just a little too cute. But forgive me for getting cranky about it -- I was hungry!

South Park was a great choice for tonight. Thanks, Richard.

You're welcome. Glad to hear your dinner was good.

I hear City Hall is serving Crow in a mole poblano. The 24 hour rest room service is an added bonus.

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