
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 4, 2007 10:02 PM. The previous post in this blog was Do you know where your wallet is?. The next post in this blog is More on Rove's Justice Department. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

What color is your Betty? (Rated R)

One of the all-time most popular posts in the long history of this blog is the story I told about scrotum waxing. No, I have no first-hand experience with the topic, but my friend Michele the aesthetician, who waxes my back periodically, has seen it done. All I had to do was re-tell Michele's account, and internet immortality was mine. Google "erection during scrotum wax," people, and see for yourself. You'd be amazed how many web surfers have arrived on these shores after searching for just that.

Michele always has a fascinating tale to tell me as she's depilating my pasty little Polish-Irish skin. On my most recent visit, she showed me a personal care product that I hadn't heard of before -- something called "Betty." It's dye "for the hair down there."

I had no idea. And it's not just your standard Breck girl colors -- how about hot pink? Moreover, coming soon, we're told, are "[b]eautiful bright reds, greens, pretty lilac and even blue! Plus stencils, glitter, and special promotions."

I asked Michele whether guys ever use Betty; she said she didn't think so. Maybe this is something I should go for, if just to be the first. But I think I'd like to try a test patch in an armpit before venturing any further.

Comments (9)

OMG Jack!

I may go with sky blue, to match Sam Adams's dreamy eyes.

I've seen the product advertised in a few places but have yet to see it work its way into the clubs. Blue and pink seem like natural fits. Hmmm...I'll have to start asking around.

Internet immortality, right?

Yes, of course. I just changed "mortality" to "immortality." Although "internet mortality" may be closer to the truth...

May I assume you haven't sought out anal bleaching:


You, sir or madam, are rude.

Richard Thruster's take on this is penetrating. ;o)

You wax yer back?

I guess any manliness credits you lose for doing so, are made up for with your admitting you wax your back.

Hairiness is "ok" again, even for metrosexuals (not that I was ever paying attention to this particular uh, issue). Didn't you get the memo?

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