
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 12, 2007 6:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is The MSM has these stories, but.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, October 12, 2007

Trib drops editorial early: Bernie should resign

In a rare move, today the Portland Tribune posted an editorial on line four days before it was scheduled to run in its dead-tree edition. Message: Sheriff Bernie Giusto should resign immediately.

Comments (9)

In a pre-Jim West world, maybe. But post-Jim West, the model for handling shame and guilt is exemplified in Larry Craig: you want my office? From my cold, dead hands.

Truly. The Larry-Bernie reality-disconnect connection occurred to me this evening as well.

It May Be That Bernie Is a Sleaze Ball. His Mentor's Certainly Are. However If in Fact Bernie Didn't come Onto The Goldschmidt band wagon until about Ten years later Then Anything Bernie Knows is at best Second hand and I would guess not admissible?
Maybe Old Bernie is Just Getting Thrown Under the Bus?

exemplified in Larry Craig: you want my office? From my cold, dead hands

I swear on my father's soul I had the same thought yesterday when I heard the Sherrif's right hand man saying Guisto shoud fight this. Incredible.

Bernie sure seems like he's going to fight.

I heard his mouthpiece pontificating away on some news channel about fighting. The mouthpiece is a lawyer and member of the Oregon Bar as well as a MCSO Lieutenant.

I wonder if Bernie is going to use county funds and budget and county staff (his lieutenant) to fight this?

Seems to me this should be coming out of Bernie's personal pocket?

Ted Wheeler, are you listening?

Gee -- moral turpetude in Portland ain't that big a deal is it? Foxworth only went down to Captain http://www.wweek.com/editorial/3233/7696/
but Kroeker was run out of town for hanging out with Promise Keepers. Don't ask me for explanations.

So how about Ted K? He knew as much about Neil's doings as Bernie probably did and said nothing.

I heard that lieutenant studied for his law degree on the public dime while working as a deputy in the jail and getting tuition reimbursements for school. Fitting, I guess.

"Then Anything Bernie Knows is at best Second hand and I would guess not admissible?"

Bernie was a close personal friend of Neil's wife, when Goldschmidt's marriage was falling apart, and when Goldschmidt was involved in his first attempt to fix the problem with the messed up woman that girl had become. Some second hand knowledge is more reliable than others.

"Maybe Old Bernie is Just Getting Thrown Under the Bus?"
Rather they are doing him a favor, and asking for one at the same time.

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