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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Opie's thinking "outside the box" again

"The box" being common sense, of course. I'm all for trying to help the David Douglas School District, but making it part of an urban renewal district that's 10 miles away has got to be illegal on about three different levels -- especially under Measure 5, which when last I heard had something in it about diverting nonschool funds for schools that have maxed out their levy.

But hey, this is Portland City Hall, where the more ridiculous the idea is, the warmer a reception it gets. Free wi-fi, taking over PGE, forcing Comcast to share its cables, turning the coliseum into a fitness center, clean money campaign financing -- none of it ever works, but we blow millions studying it all and trying it on for size. It's not a surprising outcome when a humanities major with no real-world experience gets seniority in a government job.

Meanwhile, if the Pearl and the River District are so successful that they don't need their urban renewal money any more, then it's time to close down the applicable urban renewal districts and start paying off their debts -- not keep them open and divert the funds for other purposes. It's crazy enough to expect the Portland Development Commission to learn on the fly how to play affordable housing agency without also suddenly making it a local education finance authority.

I tell ya, If Hillary would promise to give Opie a high-paying position in her administration, I'd hold my nose and vote for her. It's that bad.

Comments (7)

The PDC is talking about pulling $300-700M more out of the river district. Nobody talks about paying off existing debt.

Give him some credit at least he realizes schools need help around here even if it is poorly thought out.

I am sure Sam wants to stay ahead of the curve with his own great plan, at leaset until the election. Then he can go back to helping his buddies build more streetcars and loft apts.

I'm constantly appalled at the abysmal financial decisions made by the nutroots on the Portland City Council. Until people other than the current bunch sit on the City Council, nothing will change for the better.
So I suggest serious efforts be made to start unseating this bunch now - starting with Sam Adams and commisar Leonard.

Whether he approves or not, write in Dave Lister for mayor.

And Jack Bogdanski for the seat on ouncil which Adams is vacating.

I wonder how far Portland's urban renewal enterprise could go. Could it fund schools in like Vancouver, Wa, where a lot of ex-Portlanders now live? Or maybe places in other countries that could use the help. I guess it would be too easy to just speed the repayment of debt, or alternatively return monies to taxpayers who just saw their property tax bills hiked by 11 percent this year.

Writing in lister and Bogdanski is a pretty good idea. Let's focus some effort to having alternatives to Adams, Leonard, and vice-Adams in next May's primaries.

You left out the part about the homeless advocate who recently moved into a $1.2 million house in an exclusive neighborhood , just to show how dedicated he is to the cause. Oh, and this is the millionaire who decided to use public financing of his campaign, which he championed into law so that average income people could participate in government.

Jack - get ready to add to your city debt meter! That's what this scheme does - borrows yet more money, through the "money grows on trees" fantasy of urban renewal.

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