Nothing more to see here, people, now go about your business

That crooked pro basketball ref? He was crazed, and acting alone. And they're going to relax the rules on refs' gambling a bit so that fewer of his peers are in technical violation.
Case closed. Nice, neat, and tidy.
Comments (5)
In view of the way NBA rules were oh-so-strictly enforced during the playoffs last spring, I'd be curious to know how this flexible interpretation of league policy is received by members of the Phoenix Suns.
I'm not sure Stern had too many choices here. For one thing, the gambling landscape has changed a lot in the past 15 years.
More to the point, NBA refs collectively are way better than college refs. You let half the staff go, you're really hurting your product.
Posted by Roger | October 26, 2007 10:03 AM
Yeah, and if you recall FDA-noninspected poison meat, you hurt that product, too.
hey, meat is a legal product, and people have a Constitutional right to make dollars and dollars of profit, however they want to
Don't think what you spend your money on, just watch TV, support and bet on the Blazers, and shop shop shop 'til you drop.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | October 26, 2007 2:09 PM
Is it just me or does this guy look like Lee Harvey Oswald?
Posted by phil | October 27, 2007 5:52 AM
Holy crap, this is the astonishing line from the NY Times article:
In a gesture to increase transparency, the league will publicly disclose mistakes by referees, which Stern said account for about 8 percent of all calls.
One of every 12 calls is a mistake? Seriously?
Why bother having refs at all? Just let the players call 'em - like they do on the playground - they'll do better than 1 in 12.
Posted by Kari Chisholm | October 27, 2007 6:54 PM
If you genuinely feel that anyone could do a better job of calling these games by the fastest, best athletes in the world, I certainly hope you're willing to lay yourself on the line.
Please visit and get started. I'll buy you your first uniform; contact me via my blog.
If not, please don't post stuff like that. It makes you look bad--way worse than the officials you criticize.
Posted by teacherrefpoet | October 28, 2007 1:23 PM