
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 1, 2007 3:17 AM. The previous post in this blog was Ain't it the truth. The next post in this blog is Yes? Maybe. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, October 1, 2007

Nothing like a great caption

From OregonLive this morning.

Comments (6)

This is not a one-time foible. I get a good laugh at least once a week when the captions do not belong with the images.

Isn't it aggravating, though, how many people there are who get paid for a momentary lapse at work, to be nice about it, or who get paid for not doing their doggone jobs on a regular basis?

Once a week! Do you subscribe or read TO online?

I subscribed one day when a nice man talked me into it as I entered the Fred Meyer at 39th and Hawthorne. I'd just moved to Portland that month, June, 2006, from Jackson, Mississippi, so it seemed a reasonable thing to do. After a few weeks and practically no papers showing up at the door--unless I called to ask, "Where is our paper?"--I called and had the subscription stopped. Another nice man took the call; he didn't make me pay a cent for the subscription--for some unknown reason, my credit card had not yet been run. Perhaps someone else earning a salary for not doing a job?

Lynne, I'm the managing producer of OregonLive.com and I'm responsible for the mistakes on our site. Are you suggesting that you're aggravated that I get paid? That you can't believe that I get paid because I don't do my 'doggone job' on a regular basis?

Just curious... If I've misunderstood, please, let me know.

I'd be happy to educate anyone about The Oregonian on OregonLive.com and maybe answer questions or speak to any misconceptions.

Our small staff works incredibly hard to operate a news Web site that reaches more than 100,000 daily users and generates millions of page views. It's not easy to manage a site 24 hours a day a make everyone happy. I'm extremely proud of OregonLive.com's staff, and I'm proud to be associated with The Oregonian.

Furthermore, I'm happy that we can make PLM laugh once a week. So much of the news is sad.


Oops, "Lynette" not "Lynne" -- see, there I go with the mistakes again. I should have a few dollars docked from my next paycheck.

I'd be happy to educate anyone about The Oregonian on OregonLive.com ...

Frankly, I don't think we need any "education" from you, because we manage to get around on our own. OregonLive is just a template like all the others in the empire that owns The Oregonian. Go to Minnesota, and you find the same, lame, layout.

So you get paid to plug stuff into a template. Whoopty, doopty, do.

Even though you have to work within the parameters of what has to be the crappiest corporate template presently found in the USA, the routine errors are just humorous. Wanna job-swap? I'll do yours. You do mine.

Your post is full of originality. Yeah yeah yeah, currently we don't have the most dynamic templates in the biz. We know and we've heard this a million times. You must have better criticism than this?

>> You wrote: So you get paid to plug stuff into a template. Whoopty, doopty, do.

Is this really all you think we do? Seriously, our whole staff would like to know if this is a true perception. We walk into work everyday like automatons and plug and paste? Is that how we manage to deliver millions of page views everyday? I'm a literal person, explain yourself...

>> You wrote: Go to Minnesota, and you find the same, lame, layout.

Huh? At least get ONE of the cities right. Good comments usually start with good facts. If you're going to play the self-righteous card then at least get this part down.


>> You wrote: Wanna job-swap? I'll do yours. You do mine.

No thanks. I don't trust you to do my job. I've seen your site and I'm not impressed.


Like Lynette, you seem to be aggravated that we get paid for working. What would you have us do, exactly? We juggle a ton of news and work our butts off to serve the community. We don't execute perfectly despite our efforts.

Journalism is an industry famous in research circles for its defensive culture. It's been slow to modernize its technological infrastructure. These are facts we deal with everyday but we refuse to shun responsibility.

I'll say it again, I'm proud of OregonLive.com's crew and we're proud to be associated with The Oregonian. Furthermore, we're proud we can make you laugh. If nothing else, at least you're humored by our site.

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