I'm usually the last to see stuff like this
This one's been running around the internet for a while, I suspect. Make up your own caption:

And if you know who's to credit for the image, please let us know that, too.
This one's been running around the internet for a while, I suspect. Make up your own caption:
And if you know who's to credit for the image, please let us know that, too.
Comments (16)
"Here, let me move you just a little closer to the camera, Hillary"
Posted by Oscar | October 6, 2007 7:38 PM
Get on the right track Hillary and let me hit the third rail.
Posted by Ron | October 7, 2007 4:45 AM
The person who sent this to me suggested: Giuliani's push for a greater America.
Posted by Jack Bog | October 7, 2007 5:11 AM
Posts like this just reinforce the fact that you are a hateful, bitter old crank whose only purpose is to promote negativity.
Posted by Jeremy | October 7, 2007 8:24 AM
Who, Jeremy! Go back to bed and try getting up on the right side. Though Mr. Bog and I rarely agree on matters of national politics (he supports the Breck Girl, whom I can't envision as a leader), we share one thing in common - unlike you. Ya see, Jer, there's this thing that a lot of folks have, and it's called a sense of humor. You should try it; it'll make ya a better person. Honest.
Posted by Max | October 7, 2007 8:59 AM
Geez Jeremy who peed in your cheerios? Ever look at a political cartoon? " A hateful, bitter old crank" is actually rather funny too!
Posted by dman | October 7, 2007 9:31 AM
Why do I get the imprssion you could be the poster child for the irrationally optimistic Portlanders who re-elect the same dysfunctional clones over and over again.
Posted by Sharon | October 7, 2007 11:29 AM
I sense, perhaps, some sarcasm in Jeremy's post.
Posted by Oscar | October 7, 2007 11:30 AM
Be that as it may, say goodbye to Jeremy.
Posted by Jack Bog | October 7, 2007 1:25 PM
I sense, perhaps, some strong Sam Adams support in Jeremy's post.
Posted by Sharon | October 7, 2007 2:37 PM
you are a hateful, bitter old crank whose only purpose is to promote negativity.
i agree, Giuliani is totally unelectable.
Posted by ecohuman.com | October 7, 2007 3:55 PM
And it is the Breck Girl driving the train!
Posted by pdxjim | October 7, 2007 4:01 PM
"Take your hand out of the puppet slit in my jacket."
Posted by Tenskwatawa | October 7, 2007 9:25 PM
Yes, hate the Breck Girl. Because the Breck Girl would win easily.
Posted by Jack Bog | October 8, 2007 5:13 AM
the Breck Girl would win easily.
I dunno, the polls are not loving him.
Posted by Jon | October 8, 2007 8:19 AM
Whoever runs on the D side is going to win easily. 'Unopposed.' So set the Wayforward Machine on unorthodox, business-as-UNusual -- Cindy Sheehan is the new Hillary Clinton, Eliot Spitzer is the new Bill Clinton, Novick is the new Wyden, etc. -- and kick out the jams, m'f-ers, we got some Nuremberg Trialing to run through on our way to Futureworld.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | October 9, 2007 10:49 PM