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October 22, 2007 10:53 AM.
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Don't say "Sam Adams for Mayor".
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Comments (13)
Is that Bucky or Snowball?
Posted by Snarky | October 22, 2007 12:12 PM
I did not know that Rosie O'Donnell hunts.
Posted by meg | October 22, 2007 12:24 PM
How fitting. Tina looks like the female version of Lars. If she subbed for him on his show, would anyone know the difference.
Posted by Mike | October 22, 2007 12:32 PM
I can smell those Bambi burgers from here.
Posted by KISS | October 22, 2007 12:46 PM
There seems to be quite an increase in the coverage of hunting in the press lately. I don't hunt, but I do notice what goes on around me, and apparently the hunting industry is in decline, so I would assume fewer guns and licenses are being sold, so... more advertising the virtues of hunting. Which is pretty silly really, at least to me. If you are inclined to hunt, you probably will. But a trophy picture doesn't seem to do much to sway folks who feel opposed to the "sport." I doubt there are any real reasons one should hunt. Natural predation will keep populations in check when their sizes outgrow their natural boundaries. Apparently species somehow managed to evolve naturally before humans made the scene. But whatever, keep in mind that the only reason a radio talk show host like Lars stays on the air is because enough people are apparently listening to justify advertising dollars. And if you listen to shows like Lars's, you can assume most listeners are in need of enhanced sexual pleasure, dietary supplements, and a better bed. Sorry Lars, you - like a lot us - only exist to sell product.
Posted by Alexander | October 22, 2007 5:08 PM
I guess I should have said, "Sorry Lars, you - like a lot of us - only exist to sell someone else's product."
Posted by Alexander | October 22, 2007 5:12 PM
Hey meg and Mike,
Take all the shots you want at Lars, but
I really think you are out of line with the disparaging remarks about Lars' wife Tina.
Is that necessary? How would you like it if people did that to your wife or husband?
And Jack if that continues you may want to pull them and turn off the comments, as you have wisely done in the past.
Posted by Richard | October 22, 2007 9:32 PM
Maybe not nice, but I didn't think it was that bad.
Posted by Jack Bog | October 22, 2007 10:07 PM
I was just waiting for a comment like yours.
In my opinion, Lars and Tina look a like. At least they do in the pictures. Same type build, same hair color, same hair style, same skin tone, same facial bone structure, etc.
Why do people take everything so negatively. It must be that darn liberal PC at work. Chill out Richard. Life is too short.
Posted by Mike | October 22, 2007 11:05 PM
I grew up with a father who hunted. I was born in 1957 and we used the meat from the deer and elk to fill the freezer for the winter for a family of 7.
I hunted with my Dad in my early 30's, more just for the wilderness experience than anything else. Plus, we hunted in the coast range, (not eastern Oregon) where the odds are with the animal.
Now, my Dad is 83 and I am 50 and we quit hunting a few years ago. We don't need to feed anyone with the meat and neither of us likes the idea of killing. That was never the goal.
And I guess that's what offends me about Lars and wife (yes, they do look frighteninly alike). Millionaires, and just groovin' on the killing, not needing the meat for food, just trophy hunting.
Posted by nancy | October 22, 2007 11:09 PM
GooDooo it, Jack, I told you to get off that email spam list. You think those are nightmares, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
- - -
LIARS added details of the 'kill,' on-air today. On Christiansen's acreage out by Pilot Rock -- about a section-and-a-half, (less than 1000 A.), fenced (a square mile enclosure), so he sends a beater to haze the grazing deer to the stationary 'huntress,' about as 'sporting' as blasting ducks on a pond. At 280 feet, (LIARS said "yards" and you know he is LYING when his lips are moving), she gut-shot the doe, wasted the liver; then put a second slug behind the leg when it was down, and the guide ran up and bled it. Probably dressed less than a hundred pounds. Dragged it to a hoist, since they don't know how else to dress it. Looks like a yearling, barren; hide's too soft and they ruined it, LIARS shoulda stayed out of it and watched.
Instead of helping the homeless some, they kept the venison, but now they don't have any friends who'd come for dinner. Typical wasters. LIARS made a special point how it all was legal-eagle, proper tagged and everything -- not like last time, he said, and threatened anyone to be a fool to call the warden or the cops this time. Hemstreet don't let him bring his notoriety around no more. Can't. Ain't much Shilo ad-buy slush money either, you might notice. (I do declare, every sign painter that motel hires, forgets to cross the 't'.)
So Tiny-LIARS got herse'f a doe, a deer, a female dear, with a ray, a ranging-finder scope, me, I laughed, she's a loser, fa-, the -ther he cannot be, so? he's LYING to the mic. La, his lah-jick every timeLALALALALALALA. 'T,' he thinks she is a Trophy. And that brings us back to d'oh, the fear, his brain ain't clear.
The first hour consisted of two callers and ten emails LIARS wrote himself during the commercial, always read anonymous. Caller one said LIARS looked like a fool, crusading to save Snowbambi one week and bragging Tiny-LIARS gutshot a heifer doe the next. Caller two just said LIARS is a hypocrite; same notice as caller one. Both times LIARS escalated hate and said how their opinions were all WRONGwrongWRONG, and he wishes his listening audience wasn't so dumb as them.
I can only stand his schtick in small doses or I puke from all his hate, but it don't sound like he's selling many products. Jim Fisher Volvo still buys ad time, trying to ***. Kuni BMW is still wasting ad budget there; Kuni must be dead, one might conclude. Alex Laws is dying on Sandy from tying in with LIARS. Monte Shelton stepped away from the trainwreck. Dick Hannah never got on board -- too smart. Even promiscuous promotion shyster Ron Tonkin doesn't touch that airtime with a ten-foot wad of cash.
The only business I see is mortgage roll-U-over snidelys, and Kaopectate, which LIARS ought to gargle with, stop-up his verbal diarrhea 'til his gets his spit together. LIARS read-thru's is the retail kiss of doom, no customer traffic -- just ask Rogoway and Shumacher. The rest all sounds like PSA's -- the way I think that works is the spots don't pay for air, but the station deducts the ratecard rate from taxes owed, below the line. So sue me if I'm wrong.
I rejoined in the middle of the last hour, and here comes Clatsop DA Josh Marquis, political campaigning with the airtime for a funding measure on the county ballot. Shoo-wee, was he jawboning it. Apparently the measure is his salary. Some caller-in said she had personal experience with Marquis' prosecution petty politicking, and she was voting down the measure. Well, you'd think she stuck their p***s in a socket, Josh and LIARS both. She 'lit them up,' as they say. LIARS started flinging all his hate, all but calling her a slut, so voters all know what he thinks of them. Josh had the best line: "I don't think this is very productive," (talking to real callers).
Hey, Josh, good buddy, step away from LIARS sociopathic pariah politics, and your personal recognizance will soar, (as would Tiny-LIARS). Better yet, bring prosecution in your county on the broadcast unreported campaign contributions, public air embezzled into private profit -- there's your breakout case. Win or lose, it'd carry you into Supreme Court argument and nationwide attention. Fight one for the people and our social betterment, and you might see your salary metes the worth. Just saying ... LIARS is your albatross, people don't like haters.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | October 22, 2007 11:46 PM
"verbal diarrhea"?
You're the expert. And maybe just a tad overly judgemental?
Posted by Jennifer | October 23, 2007 8:49 AM
I can only stand his schtick in small doses or I puke from all his hate,
Much like reading your schtick right here daily. You are so full of it, Tensk. Talk about are numero uno buddy.
Your hard-on for Lars Larson borders on the pathological.
Posted by Jon | October 23, 2007 10:23 AM